BootsnAll Travel Network

Barcelona, Spain


We spent four days exploring and admiring the architecture in Barcelona. The city was home of Gaudi, an architect who’s unique designs made him world famous. The first two pictures are of the Sacred Family Temple. The construction started in 1882 and continues today. Gaudi himself supervised all the work for more than 40 years till his death in 1926. The third picture is Casa Mila. The next three pictures were taken at Casa Batllo another Gaudi masterpiece. There are no straight angles anywhere in the house. The last picture was taken at Parc Guell, a city park with quite a few works of Gaudi.


While we were in Barcelona we contacted Dale’s friend Alex who lived in Florida and California for a few years before relocating to Barcelona. We had a few beers (now there’s a surprise) and Alex told us all about the highlights of Barcelona, including where to find the best tapas. We did enjoy the huge market where you can buy any food product imaginable and the beautiful waterfront.

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