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Archive for April, 2008

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Hiking in Ireland

Wednesday, April 30th, 2008

Nothing but green fields as far as the eye can see, when you hike in Ireland. The little dog in the photo met up with us on our walk and followed us the whole way back to town. Of course we thought the poor thing was lost…named him; it turned out he belonged to the local pub owner! Seems he wanders off all the time…he probably thought we were the ones who were lost!

We will be leaving Kilkenny tomorrow to pick up Gary & Lynne for our river cruise on the Shannon. We need help with our Pub research, and they are certainly qualified for the task at hand!

Kilkenny, Ireland

Saturday, April 26th, 2008

We arrived in Kilkenny,Ireland from Shannon airport. Quite the driving experience, as the road was narrow & full of potholes. At least there wasn’t the tons of roadkill we were seeing on England’s back roads. Apparently pheasants are “thick”according to our English sources. Special note to Gary: no gun necessary for these feathered friends.

Weather is typical: cool (55F) windy, rainy & misty with occasional sunshine. We are, however, enjoying ourselves. Once again, we have a beautiful apartment, and doing side trips to see the sights.

North Wales, Conwy Castle, Llandudno

Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

Once again, Wales does not disappoint in natural beauty. From the town of Conwy with its castle and intact wall that surrounds the city from medieval times to Llandudo the lovely seaside town.

I like this saying on the pub sign! We can add this to John Bergin’s travel motto: “When you’re hungry-eat, when your tired-sleep, when you’re thirsty-drink”


Saturday, April 19th, 2008

Wales is such a beautiful country as you can see by the photos, and the people are very friendly. We bravely hiked a HUGE mountain to see a waterfall, that we found out we could have gotten to by car! Oh well, our way was better. More difficult, colder, and much more challenging, but we did it!(in only 5 hours).

Windsor-Windsor Castle

Monday, April 14th, 2008

Stopped by Windsor to see our friends, Rob & Julie, oh yea, & the Queen. She lives at Windsor castle, most of the time.

Photos are of Rob’s place, nice digs huh? It’s an old convent that was converted into condos. We are off to Wales for 5days for a bit of the great outdoors. And from what I hear, “wet” great outdoors.



Saturday, April 12th, 2008

yep, Stones & a Henge

Oxford, England

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

We spent hours walking the lovely city of Oxford with its beautiful old university buildings & gardens. We are still looking for the perfect pub, and finding the research quite fascinating!

Arrival UK

Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

We have arrived in the UK. We are staying in a very nice apartment in Oxford. Yesterday we visited Stratford upon Avon and today we are going to Bath. We will add pictures as soon as we figure out how to download them into the Laptop.

Going Away Party

Friday, April 4th, 2008


It’s official! We’re finally on our way. What a great send-off!