Napoli–I’m Just Here For the Pizza
I took the train from Sorrento to Napoli, a surprisingly short trip, and met quite the old Italian character on the way. He sat down right next to me and started pestering this group of older French ladies who were sharing the cabin with me. One of them spoke some Italian so he would say things to her and she would translate them to the rest of the group. He turned to me and started jabbering in Italian and I made the “I don’t know what on earth you are saying” look and he asked me where I was from (only in Italian…I don’t think he spoke a scrap of English the whole trip, which is just fine since I am IN Italy). I said “Americani” and he exclaimed, “AH! Belissimo!! Si, si.” He asked me if I was traveling by myself and what I did back home and all kinds of things which I somehow understood and answered, although it’s all a blur now. He kept turning back and forth between me and the French ladies and kept cracking all kinds of jokes and laughing up a storm. He had those older French ladies cackling away too. It made the ride to Naples both interesting and short.
I got to the main train station, Girabaldi Piazza, and started the search for my hostel, which went much better since there is a Naples map in my book. It is central to all the main sights and eats the city has to offer annnnnd free internet…which is how I can update my blog so much! I had an awesome beyond awesome pizza for a late lunch/dinner. It was at a place called Gino Sorbelli’s and I had the margherita style, the traditional Neopolitan one with just tomato sauce, mozzarella, and basil. Naples is the birthplace of pizza and man do they know how to do it right. I ate the entire pizza in one sitting. It was so nice and thin and crispy in the right parts. I might go back for another round tomorrow. Who am I kidding? I’m absolutely going back tomorrow!
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