An Eventful Ride
I arranged to take a bus from Rainbow Beach to Airlie Beach, since I had booked a sailing trip through the Whitsundays. It was to be a grueling ride from 7 pm to 9:30 am. I have always underestimated how far apart everything is in Australia. It is a HUGE country. I joked around with my new friends from England, Vicki and Lorraine, about the strange bus driver I had from Brisbane to Rainbow Beach. We had all met on the Fraser Island trip and, oddly enough, we were booked on the same bus. I told them, “What would be the chances that we have that weird bus driver that I had once?”. I shouldn’t have said anything because, as fate would have it, it WAS my favorite foreign bus driver who loves to talk the whole way and make everyone uncomfortable, not knowing whether to humor him and listen or stare listlessly out the window. We loaded our stuff without the lecture because we made sure we were early to the bustop (it helped that it was literally outside of our hostel). We got on and after getting settled in the bus driver came down the aisle and said “I don’t want to scare you guys but I’m having a little bit of a headache. Uhh…If one or a bunch of you could come up to the front and talk to me as I drive it might make it go away.” I felt really bad but I couldn’t help but let out a big laugh because now Vicki and Lorraine knew I wasn’t kidding about him! We died laughing, hiding our rudeness behind the seat in front of us. Finally some guy agreed to go up front and talk to him on the way. I couldn’t believe my circumstances being in a seat that, of course, was having seat belt problems and a bus driver that was delirious from a headache. We made it safely to a town called 1770 where Vicki and Lorraine got off and the bus driver switched with another one. I fell asleep and, after what seemed forever, we began driving past sugarcane fields and came to the ocean.
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