BootsnAll Travel Network

Where, what, who, when why?

Well hello, It’s been a while and I don’t even know where to start.  Yes, I am still alive and yes, I’m still doing this blog so I guess we’ll get started from the beginning.  There’s a whole slew of other pictures to go along with this of the house if you want to see what the place looked like and such.  I’m currently writing this in Adelaide before I head out to another wwoofing host out on Kangaroo Island, which is located just off the coast.  I had already had one setup but when I called back a few weeks later they back out but fortunately I managed to find another stay out there so now I’m heading out there on Tuesday, the 7th.  After that my plans are to head off towards Melbourne and try to do a wwoof stay or two along the way before I get to town.  After that I really don’t know where I’m going.  I was thinking about Tasmania but I’m thinking that by the time I get there it’ll be too cold but I guess I’ll see.  I’m going to try and put down on here as much as I can but being that it has been a month, a shit load has happened and I’m heading off again here right away, there’s a good chance some will get missed out.  Anyways, let the rant begin.

Well for the last month and a bit I’ve been out at Maslin House, in Maslin Beach which is a suburb south of Adelaide.  Maslin House is a 5-star bed and breakfast run by Peter Douglas.  He runs it himself with help from people like myself working for our food and accomidation aka wwoofing.  When I first arrived there, I started working with another guy, Daniel from, guess where?  Germany.  Yep, more Germans.  In my emails with Peter he said that there’d be another guy starting the same day as I and that his name was Daniel.  I prayed that he was anything but German but sure enough thee odds were against me and he was from Deutchland.  Regardless he was a really cool guy and I had a great time working with him.  Note: I have nothing against Germans, they just seem to be everywhere in Australia.

Our days would start at 8:00am and we’d go to about 1:00pm with a break in the middle for tea so we wer working about 4.5 hours a day.  Work was pretty broad ranged covering everything from picking weeds, cleaning the rooms after the guests have left, cleaning windows, cleaning the gutters, cleaning the dinning room, watering the garden and flowers, tending to the chickens and pretty much an odd jobs that needed to be done at a farm/B&B.  This was more of a bed and breakfast than a farm but the majority of the work was “farm-style” work. 

The setup there was pretty sweet.  We, as in the wwoofers had our own little dorm style room with bunk-beds, our own toilet and our own bathroom.  I don’t think I ever mentioned it but here in Australia, the toilets are separate from the sinks and bathtubs/showers so the area you shower in is the toilet meanwhile the shower area is the bathroom.  There was the TV, with satalite TV that was our own area, shared with Peter obviously and the kitchen was our disposal so long as we cleaned up after ourselves.  Peter had a great kitchen and I must say I’m think my cooking skills have gone up a notch or two after my stay there.

The area around Maslin House was super nice with the beach being a couple minutes walk away and beautiful sceanry all around us.  Even some days of being hunched over all day doing weed picking or digging a big ass trench, it was hard to think, “This sucks” when all you have to do is look around at the beauty that surrounds you.

My cosy little bunk and corner of the room.
The girls chilling out in the sun.  They’re long and short coat chiuauas.
Road work 
Dan and I doing some road work.
“Is that a banana in your pocket Dan or are you just happy to see us?” 
Peter looking quite evil.

While cleaning out the chicken coupe I sort of accidentally stepped on a chicken and gibbled him up pretty good.  Oops.

Peter then stepped in to finish him off.  It pisses me off because right afterwards I realized I should have been the one to do the dirty work.

I dug this trench one day it was some tough-ass work but I felt dam good about it afterwards.  My meal afterwards tasted extra good like I had really earned it.  Plus it was a beautiful trench and it makes me think maybe I should start my own trench digging service.
Digging a trench

The Finished job – a thing of beauty…for a hole in the ground.

After a hard days work there was plenty to do, like I say the beach was a short walk away, a hot tub, satelite TV with good movie channels and a really nice deck area to chill out in.  I spent most of my free time in the hot tub drinking espressos and eating Lindt 85% dark chocolate.

Ahh, the tough life.

I also spent a good time cooking and again I must say I think my skills have gone up a notch or two after my stay there.  I can whip up an amazing curry and because of the conference, which you’ll read about later on, I can cook up some damn good stuff just using the toaster-over, microwave and a couple spices.  I’ve also realized, even more so now, how I would really like to start growing my own foods.  Sounds cheesy and sad but I tell you, it was so rad to go down to the veggie garden, pull up some fresh zucchine, cuccumber, tomatoes and onions, take it all inside and whip something up.  I tasted so damn good now that I’m back in town eating out of the markets and grociery store I can easily taste the difference.

The “veggie isle”.  I swear, the tomotoes I’m buying at the market right now taste like crap compared to what Peter was growing.

Like I mentioned before the beach was a short walk away so hanging out on the beach was pretty nice too.  It was a super nice beach and water was great.  Now there was a couple different parts to the beach there in Maslin that were broken up into different sections.

Here’s one beach that had really good water for us crappy swimmers which was split up by a huge cliff.
Now on the other side of the cliff was a different beach that was a little bit more popular most of the time.  It was really nice too but the water was pretty rough, oh and there was something else interesting about that beach.

Yep, the sign says it all.

And the view from the other side.

I took this picture naked, butt naked.

This one too.
So yeah that’s Maslin Beach and yes, I did get naked.  It was pretty cool and very weird all at the same time.  It was odd passing by a person who was also naked and then pass by a person that was fully clothed but regardless, it was good fun.  I was expecting someone to do an google search of “Maslin Beach”, read about it and then get a whole bunch of emails from people giving me a hard time about it but that wasn’t the case.

The sign into Maslin Beach.  I was clothed for this one.

A New Drug
Also at Maslin House I became addicted to a new kind of drug that took up a large amount of my time thanks to my good German friend Dan.  Oh Dan, f*!k you.  My new drug is from Japan called Sudoku.  Sudoku is a little number game thats in most newspapers and is becoming very popular.  Dan’s girlfriend sent him a book and through watching him constantly playing it I decided to give it a try.  At first I thought I wouldn’t be able to play it since I sucked at math but I soon realized that it’s not about math but about logic and after that I was addicted.  Thanks again Dan. 

Dan in deep Sudoku thought.

Dan in more deep Sudoku thought and Jasna eatting food on the deck.

So yeah, for about 2 weeks thats what life was like at Maslin House.  2 weeks in we had another German girl, Jasna, come in and join Dan and I in our stay.  About a week after she arrived, Dan left and it was just her and I doing the upkeep.  She was a pretty cool girl and we ended up having a lot of fun.


Dan and I just before he left

Now your problably wondering why?  Why do this?  Why do all that crap work when you don’t have to?  Aren’t you on vacation?  Why spend such a long time there?  These are all questions that I’ve pondered long and hard about, while I was picking weeds or cleaning out the chicken coupe I questioned just what the hell am I doing, which I think answers the underlying question of what do I want out of this trip and my travels in general.  It’s things like this, this wwoofing that I “get” something out of.  When I went out with people to the bar for a night of drinking and partying, at the end of it all I would look back and think, “yeah that was fun” but other then that I felt nothing.  I didn’t get anything out of it as a person, no new experience or insight, just the same old thing.  Same goes when I went on tours or out to Ayers rock, all I had was the same experience that probably a couple million people have also had before me and millions more will have after me.  I saw nothing special or different than the rest of them.  Through wwoofing, these farm stays, work in general that I’m doing and the places I’m staying, I’m get my own experiences, my own insights and in return I get what I am out here for in the first place.

Person Growth
It all seems so simple now but for the longest time I had forgotten about it.  I listed it as a reason why I want to travel but I never viewed it as a reason of what my travels would be like, at least in Australia that is.  As I mentioned in past posts, Australia is a lot like Canada but the tourism industry is set in overdrive trying to sell everyone some package tour.  Now there’s nothing wrong with just doing those tours and being a part of that Australia but I’ve realized that that’s not what I want.  I had no personal growth from a night at the bar or going on a tour of someplace, sure I had fun and fun is one of the main reasons why I’m here but at the end of the day I just felt hallow.  So in turn I wwoof, have fun and get a great experience, it’s all that I want in a nice neat little package.

A lot of people just don’t get the whole wwoofing thing since you’re not getting paid, to that I say you’re not spending money so really, what’s the big deal.  I spent $136 Australian in the entire month of February and that was on dumb ass stuff that I normally wouldn’t have boughten and consider “luxury items”, like really good coffee and almonds.  Yes almonds.  Peanuts are dirt cheap but almonds cost an arm and a leg but I digress.  I guess another complaint people could have about it is that you can potentially be a million miles away from anywhere and there might not be a lot to do.  I dunno, I seem to enjoy sitting around and doing seemingly nothing.  Reading, working out, listening to music, Sudoku (DAN!!!!) take up a lot of my time as they are things that I enjoy.  Wwoofing also allows me to settle down, unpack my things and chill out for a while plus through that settling down, you get a sence of homeliness(yes it’s a real word) and from that a sence of family, which is really good when you’re a million miles away from everything you traditionally know.

Take your time
I’m also realizing that I need to take my time.  Really, what’s the rush?  I’m 24-years old I have a one-year visa and I’m not spending a hell of a lot of money.  While travelling with Steve, Tom and the Swiss girls I got caught up with them and their timetables.  They had to be certain places at certain times so they were always rushing to meet their deadlines and such.  For myself, I have no deadline, no place I have to be so really, why not stay at a place for a month or two?  I remember Steve saying that when he got to Caines he had a whole week to spend there, talking like a week was nearly forever.  I look back at that and laugh and laugh at how I had planned to stay at Maslin for 2-3 weeks, which at the time seemed like a really long time.  Well time flew by out there and I could have easily stay longer but I felt it was time to move on.  I now plan to make my next stays, so long as they’re good places to stay, at least 2-3 weeks.

One day on the BBC I saw a little feature they did on Ft.McMurry and how the economy is going in full gear and how it’s the world’s second largest oil deposit.  They had clips of the area and short little interviews with some local people and one with a CEO.  All the interviews that were with the local people were taken place in bars and pubs, which I thought was quite fitting and pretty much everyone interviewed was just a big ass redneck hooting and hollering at the camera talking about how they’re making their fortune and such.  After seeing that little feature clip I realized how glad I am to not be there or Nisku, which instills the same work your life away mindset.  I said that to Jasna even after I had been in the hot sun all day picking weeds and cleaning chicken shit out of a chicken coop.  Even before I saw that clip, for a couple days I had found myself thinking about Mastco, Nisku and my life in general before I left home.  Everytime I thought of these places and my life before I noticed a strange phenomenon would occur; I wold get really pissed off.  I don’t know why really, I was happy, or so I though, but I would just get very disgruntled and bitter with these thoughts yet I’d spend a day on the boiling hot roof, cleaning out gutters and I wouldn’t be mad or annoyed that I would have to be doing a menial job.  Perhaps because it’s something new and different or that I know if I acually hated it that much I could just leave…

Life’s Priorities
Well you can obviously tell I’ve had a lot of time for thought and introspection the last month and another topic that I’d like to get on is how I will never be a rich man, financially that is.  You see my priorities in life are as followed in that exact order; Health/Fitness, Family, Finance.  Now health/fitness covers everything from body to mental health and personal happiness.  That’s the number one priority in my life.  Next is family, which includes close friends also.  Lastly, finance; this ones at the bottom of the list as I would never risk my health/fitness/personal well being for it nor would I neglect my family for it.  Now of corse there is contradictions to this whole thing like for instance Darren, most people would consider him healthy and in tip-top shape plus he’s dam rich so the guys got it all.  That said from what I saw of the guy I think he could be in a lot better shape if he picked up some Crossfit action plus who know’s what’s going on inside his head.  From what i saw and heard he sounded like he had a bit of an ego and could use some therapy but perhaps I’m just saying that out of bitterness.

I got a lot of emails from people who seemed to be quite worried that I had no music out there since my Mp3 player broke.  Well fortunately, my mobile has a radio on it and I just listend to “Triple J”, the national youth radio that’s down here, which I will say again kicks major ass and it’s commercial free.  That said, about a couple weeks into my stay at Maslin I recieved a care package from home from my goddess of sister, containing a brand new Mp3 player loaded with seemingly all the songs that were going through my head at the time.  now its only like 256megs and ain’t no 5gig Apple ipod but I wouldn’t a high end one as I expect everything I have to break or get stolen.  Again, thank you Tiff, you are truely a goddess. Also on the topic of music, listening to Triple J has alloud me to be exposed to some really great bands that I thought I’d recommend:

  • Belle & Sebastian – check out Funny Little Frog
  • Placebo – These guys are really good.  They seem to be big everywhere but north america yet they’re from the states.  Check out “Song to Say Good-bye”
  • Tegan & Sara – It’s really sad that I have to go all the way to Australia to be exposed to a band from Canada
  • Xavier Rudd – He’s from down here and has a real strong folk sound, kinda sounds like Paul Simon I think
  • The Gossip – They’re from the US and their female singer has an amazing voice.  I’ve heard songs by them ranging from a punkish-rock sound to covers of country music they’ve done in an alt-country style.  Check out “Standing in the way of Control”

Well I heard Canada lost but the odd thing is, is that I really didn’t care.  I don’t know why, maybe because there was more advertisements for the Commenwealth games in Melboune then there was olympic coverage or that I was going so hard working the conference that I just didn’t really take much of an interest in it.  I’ve got to say though, the whole thing seemed like a million miles away and even after all was said and done and Canada lost I still don’t really care, which is odd because I still follow up with the Oilers and have my mom text me the scores when the games are over…anyways.

It’s odd but for some reason I feel like it should be Christmas and I find myself yearning for it.  I think it’s probably because I didn’t have it the way I usually have it makes me feel like I’ve missed it and that it should be coming around the corner soon.  That said I’ve compiled a list of things I want, so start shopping dammit.

-Dark chocolate. something in a 85%+ variety
-Coffee flavored dark chocolate as dark as you can get it
-Really top end espresso coffee beansReally good light roast coffee beans
-A cooking encyclopedia – something that you can look up a herd, spice or food, see how it’s prepared, what it goes well with, a short history on it, what to look for when buying…
-A gardening book for growing food in Canada/Alberta.

People have asked if I’m homesick yet.  As I write this I realize that I’ve been away 4 months, which seems like a long time and at the same time seems like it has just flown by.  I have gotten homesick a couple times but I think homesickness is more to do with the yearning to go back to what you’re comfortable with, what you know and are familur with.  You miss the comfort of having someplace to settle down and put your stuff after a days of work or travel.  I could make it easier by ditching some of my “luxury” items and I intend to, eventualy.  I yearn for days to be back home, in my own bed and back to my comfortable little life but then I’m reminded of the Friday and Saturday nights I’d sit at home alone or all the overtime I would work because I had nothing better to do and just the feeling that I was going nowhere.  I think of these things and any thoughts of being homesick are pretty much gone.  Yes I miss my family and friends dearly but I know where they’re at and when I do finaly come home they’ll all be there.  I’ve been trying to look at the experience I’m currently having through the eyes of myself in say 5-10 years time and what I’ll remember and think about to about this journey.  I’m finding that it’s much easier to appreciate what you’re doing and seeing when you look at it that way and you really want to take a lot more of it in.

Well how’s that for an update?  The people that put the conference together took a whole slew of pics of “Team Maslin” so I’m trying to get my hands on them.  As for myself, I’m in good health and spirits, I’ve been working out as per usual (made a kick ass pull-up bar there) and eating good, perhaps a little too good.  My stay at maslin house was amazing and I now know more of what I want to get out of this trip.  I know there’s tons more that I’m missing but I’m pressed for time so some stuff I’m just going to have to leave out and maybe put on later.  I would like to have writen more about the people there, some other funny stuff that happened and the conference in general but I’ve been writing for the last 4 days and well, that’s just too much.  Anyaways, untill next time, which I hope isn’t a month.

Safe Travels


5 responses to “Where, what, who, when why?”

  1. Mom says:

    Great stories. You should become a writer. Great to hear from you and great pictures especially the ones of you – you look healthy and happy. Love you, mom

  2. Colby says:

    Yea, I agree, good writing. I felt like I just finished a good book after I read all that.

    Wow, that conference is even pissing me off and im on the other side of the world.

    Later bro

  3. Mike says:


    Good to hear that you’re still alive!! Some great stories and sarcasm in the mix…love it!

    Would say more hear but don’t think I can do your words justice…plus don’t think I’ve got the time on my hands…keep in touch and let me know if and when you might be back in town.


  4. Jeff says:

    Troy, this conference was a ‘private’ function as are most functions that take place at that venue. Your opinion is of course your right, but to publish names goes too far. I suggest that you either remove ALL names to avoid any legal ramifications or remove the whole story. What Peter will think of his ‘staff’ publishing pics, details and opinions of ‘private’ functions held at his venue is something that HE will no doubt deal with in his own way.
    I know if I was a prospective customer of his and ‘google searched’ the name of his venue and found that any function held there was open to the possibility of the staff publishing pics etc, I wouldn’t want to book there.
    Not to mention the ‘organiser’ of the event that you wrote about….with HIS conections and business associates, it could be a ‘costly’ excersise!

  5. Peter Douglas says:

    Hi Troy,

    could you e-mail me as soon as possible.



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