BootsnAll Travel Network

Pictures Pictures Pictures

Well after god knows how long I finally have some pictures to put up and show everyone where I live work and play. Oh and I’m not an idiot, I have no idea why there’s that huge ass empty space above the text.

There’s more here

My apartment building

My bed and area where I store all my crap. My roommate Lionel just moved out so now I get the room souly to myself. Unfortunately he took his laptop with him which he let me use when he wasn’t around, which was pretty much all the time. I probably saw he guy like 6 times in the last 3 weeks and 4 of them was in the middle of the night when I woke up to go to the bathroom and saw him laying in bed sleeping.

I see there’s no underwear hanging in any of those pics, that’s good…

Now you’re probably asking what the hell all that money is doing on my bed; I sleep in it. Nothing more comfortable then sleeping in a big pile of cash. Actually I has this big ass can that I taped shut, put a hole in the top of and procedded to shove all my tip money that I made as it came in. I started doing this on July 31 and opened it the other day to find a nice $443.41 waiting for me but on my way to the bank to deposit it I walked past the Lindt chocolate cafe/chocolateria and blew it all.

Kitchen Area

Communal area. The cubical thing on the left is another bedroom that is occupied by Ed from England.

View from the patio

Good old Pitt St.

Off to work now; work is on Darling Harbour which is a pretty popular tourist spot and for good reason.

Work; it’s a little dank looking…well actually it’s a dump and I’ll be glad to leave. The place is clown shoes, absolutely no professionalism, which I guys is a good thing and a bad thing. It was fun while it lasted but I’ll be glad to leave. I look back at the place now think, “I can do better”.

The little blond dude there is Nikky from Scotland, he’s good shit, I have no idea who the girl is as she just started and that was her first or second day and the Korean guy way in the back is Neil the owner who can be a pain in the ass sometimes but overall pretty genuine.

Now here’s the reason why anyone would come to our restaurant and Darling Harbour in general. The flag there is at half mast because it was Steve Irwin’s funeral that day.

I spent many a night starring at that view but after a while it started to become a painting…the first sign it’s time to move on.

Well that’s the gist of it, like I was saying there’s much more here of Darling Harbour, my flat, work and whatever else. I was hoping Alena would have emailed me a couple pics of me her and Andrew but I haven’t got them yet so you’ll have to wait. I was going to rant more but I’m lazy and will have to save it for another post. Yes I know Thailand had a coup and I do still plan to go there. From the sounds of it, things are pretty much business as usual and by the time I’m ready to go all should be 100%, that said if it isn’t then I was thinking about going to Malaysia and Indonesia first, which I’m thinking I might just do anyway…I am young after all and sleep in a bed covered in money.

Over and out


One response to “Pictures Pictures Pictures”

  1. mom says:

    It looks like it is a very beautiful place to be and we will get to see it in person within the next 2 weeks! Can’t wait to see you son, even if you have aged!


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