I am a 24-year-old male with absolutely no travel experience. I have been working my ass off the last year and a half as a draftsman, living the North American cubical dream. Living in my mom’s basement, staring into a computer 50+ hours a week and scrimping and saving has afforded me the ability to travel the world for hopefully 2 plus years. I’m starting off in Australia on a one-year working visa and am going to take it from there. After Australia, I’m planning to head up to Asia but for right now I’m just taking it as it comes.
I’m not a big drinker or party animal, in fact I’m a bit of a tight wad and more of a get up at dawn to watch the sunrise and workout type of guy. I do enjoy a good party though and hope to meet many a cool people along the trail.
The most I expect out of this trip is a good time, exposure to other people, cultures and ideas and not sit in front of a computer 10 hours a day. I could go on saying that I want some sort of religious awakening, an epiphany of some sorts, perhaps figure out the meaning of life or “find myself” but I doubt that’ll happen. I’m just going to take it for what it is, a series of random chaotic events that I call life.
I am a fitness fanatic and live I may not have gym pass or an expensive home gym but I intend to keep going balls to the walls while traveling and plan to workout even more while on the road. Check out my fitness blog Crossfit Anywhere.
Tags: Intro
man your all set up and ready to go eh?
have fun and be safe! let us all know whats going on and where you are!!
Get out of my country all ready, you traitor.
Well, it certainly sounds like you have ‘made hay’ since you got down under. Have you had a chance to check out their prices yet for groceries, etc? Some things I believe will be way more expensive and other things will be less expensive.
I will do some cost compairsons up here for you!
We got snow up here on Sunday night/Monday morning. Too bad you missed it.
I also sent your blog to Joe and Sheila along with your email address.
Shit man, sounds friggin awesome so far. Im still laughing my balls off about the fireworks coming out of your ass.