BootsnAll Travel Network

Boxing day sales are not like in Canada

Hello all,

 Well I made it thru Xmas but it was very different without any family around.  I missed them all terribly but I made it thru with the new friends I am meeting.

So the skydive on the 24th had to be canceled because of high winds and they are closed the 25th and 26th.  I am not sure when I will be able to get it done now but I will keep you all informed when the jump happens.

 Christmas eve was realitivly quite and a group of us listened to the xmas music that Boyd downloaded for me before i left (Thank You Boyd).  Most were happy to hear some tunes but others were having a tough time getting into the spirit of things.  I went to midnight mass at St. Patrick’s in Taupo which was a 30 minute walk from the hostel but I listened to the xmas music the whole way.  The mass was a bit different than in Canada because they add in some Maori culture to it.  It was very interesting and they do sing different songs than we normally hear.  The homily was very interesting becasue he talked about that no one is alone at Christmas and it really seemed to cheer me up.  After mass they served port and Christmas cake and I left shortly after for my walk back to the hostel.  It was about 2 am when I got back so I went to bed.  Christmas morning was quiet as well.  I got up about 8:30 and just relaxed for a bit and then got ready for the day.  Gemma, Floss (her friend) and I had breakfast at about 10, exchanged gifts and then went for a walk.  The weather today is much better than it has been for the last 2 days.  At 2pm we were joined by Craig (from Okotoks) and Alex (Geramny) and went to the Urban Retreat Hostel for a Christmas dinner.  They did an awesome job of it.  We got Turkey, Ham and all the fixings.  They also had 12 bottles of chamapagne and a free keg of beer.  After a break in the eating the served us dessert which was cake, strawberries, ice cream, chocolate and fruit salad.  They also had holiday poppers and little chocolate santa’s.  After, one of the workers dressed up as santa and he passed out gifts to everyone.  I got a fleece blanket, Gemma and Craig got sweatshirts or jumpers as they call them, and Floss and Alex got tshirts.  We got all this for $25 which was a great deal and we were all very much in the Christmas spirit after that.  I was pretty tired and ended up going to bed at about 10 but the others were out unlil about 1.

Boxing day is nothing like in Canada.  Some stores are closed and the sales are small at best.  I will be leaving Taupo tomorrow and heading to Tongariro National Park whre if people want we will hike the mountain which takes about 6 -8 hours or else we do a bus tour and a short hike.  We stay in the national park overnight and then go to Wellington.  The plan is for a few days ther and then to Abel Tasman for New Years where I will meet up with Olive and Karen.

I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas I hope you all find it a joyous day.  A special hug goes out to my nephews and niece (Emerson, Matthew and Kirstin) and my god children (Nadean and Anndrea) and of course my mom.  Happy birthday to Nadean, Audrey (holly crap she is turniong 65) and Lindsey.

Love you all very much,


No pics from xmas as i forgot my camera but I am sure that some will end up on facebook from the others cameras.


9 responses to “Boxing day sales are not like in Canada”

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    Hey man Dad needs a hug too. Enjoyed your blog

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