Here's the first batch of India photos, from Bombay, Elephanta Island, Ellora, and Ajanta.
Elephanta Island Outside the temple Three-headed Shiva Shiva and Parvati Fierce Shiva Lingum Nasty monkeys
Bombay A few street shots near Victoria Terminus: 1 2 3
Ajanta - rock-cut Buddhist temples Temple exterior Temple interiors: 1 2 3 The bus to Ajanta
Ellora - Hindu and Buddhist rock-cut temples Kailasa temple exteriors: 1 2 3 Shiva and Parvati 9-headed Shiva lingum Shiva as ascetic Shiva's fierce aspect Vishnu's boar avatar rescuing the earth goddess Buddhist temple interior
Excellent pictures. Makes me feel like I'm back at school in my history class. Thanks for taking the time to put all those pictures online. Continued best wishes to both of you.