Barcelona and six flights from hell part two
There were various street performers on the Rambla
Giving proof the e. from bootsnall could have a career as a street performer. This guy amazed the crowd with his magic with the crystal ball.
This gal was dressed like a Gaudi design on a barrel that said Barcelona and had a beautiful smile.
A trip to the liquor store for my dad, I counted 26 different kinds a Absinthe, including this one that had Marijuana in it. Crazy…..
Our last day we toured the Barcelona Maritime Museum
and a Harbor boat ride.
a trip to Barcelona couldn’t be complete without a plate of Paella.
All in all we had a good time in Barcelona. We left grateful for elevators. And have come to the deep understanding the ice is truly a luxury. Adios Barcelona……
to view all our pictures from Barcelona click here
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