Hello world traveller!
Thursday, October 6th, 2005Well Hello there! Since this is my first posting, I’ll be brief (and I really don’t know what I’m doing).
My name is Betty Valdez, I live in beautiful Southern California. I currently work as an Admin. Assistant, but plan on escaping shortly. Plans? I have lots of plans, all tentative. Waiting on this or that. The major plan is to travel around the world next year. One segment at a time. Here’s my wish list: LAX to Tahiti, OZ, New Zealand, Indonesia, Bali, Greece, Israel, Italy, France, Germany, UK, Scotland, Ireland, NYC, Atlanta, Nashville, Louisiana, Texas, Utah, Portland and back home. Whew!
I’ll keep you posted as I get ready. Feel free to comment, compliment, or complain. I can take it!