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August 20, 2004

Sydney: Aquarium

The aquarium was amazing! I spent hours there, fascinated by all the fish and beautiful displays. I took a million photos:

* Platypus - I'd never seen one before and they were different to how I expected. Their eyes are on the tops of their heads, in a groove, so they can shut them underwater. They also have a venomous spur on their legs, so are poisonous (like everything in Australia).
* Yabby
* Catfish
* Gippsland Water Dragon
* Crocodile - I swear its eyes followed me as I walked. This one wasn't that big - they can grow to 7m long and weigh over a ton - but it looked menacing. They can also live to be 100 years old, which I didn't know. Apparently, you can tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile by their teeth: you can see a crocodile's upper and lower teeth when its mouth is closed, but just the top ones on an alligator.
* Barramundi - this was HUGE! They can be 180cm, and the weird thing is, they start off male and become female after they reach a certain size.
* Tasmanian Giant Crab
* Penguins
* Shaw's Cowfish
* Weedy Sea Dragon
* Seals - you could walk around the top of their pool and watch them from above, then look up at them from inside two glass tunnels under the water. They are so graceful and fast when they're swimming.
* "Mango," a yellow Port Jackson Shark rescued by fishermen
* Pot Bellied Sea Horse
* Turret Fish - so sweet!
* Stingrays, scary-looking sharks (close up!) and giant turtles - all in a massive tank that you walked through in underwater tunnels. When they were fed, the pool erupted into a frenzy and it was great to see who got what.
* Nemo and friends
* Damselfish - these were in a ginormous tank divided up into smaller areas by coral walls. You could sit and watch the fish swim past with music in the background.
* My favourite fish, with bizarre swivelly eyes and a morose expression

Posted by Rowena on August 20, 2004 08:12 AM
Category: Australia
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