BootsnAll Travel Network

What are we doing?

I am travelling in China and South East Asia with Tristan, Grant and Sam. This is just to keep all you folks at home updated!

Kuala Lumpur, Cameron Highlands, Perhentian Islands, Singapore

June 29th, 2010

Sorry this last update has taken so long but internet access has either been rare, or rather expensive! We are currently about to spend our last night in south east asia! We are in singapore and fly out at about 11pm local time tomorrow!

After Borneo we returned to Kuala Lumpur and actually managed to leave the airport! We spent four days resting our extremely tired legs and exploring the city. Kl is a mass of cultures with China town, the colonial district and little india all within walking distance of each other. We spent most of our time just  roaming the city, taking in the many different buildings, atmospheres and people. We also vistited several of the large shopping centres which were quite ridiculously big! The main attraction was the twin Petronas towers, towering high above the sky line. We went to visit the towers and go up to the sky bridge, as well as the exhibition, shopping centre and cinema inside! Them next day we visited the communications tower, which although shorter than the twin towers, offered better views of the city. It was nice to be back in a big bustling city after a month or so without.

 Next we headed north to the cool temperatures of the cameron highlands. We welcomed to 21 degrees as a refreshing break. ring our few days there we did a short hill walk which was supposed to take 6 hours but took us 2 and a half. Kinabalu had obviously given us good practise! We also visited a tea plantation, that stretched for 2,200 acres. Unfortunately production is now all mechanised so there were no pickers out in the fields but it was very interesting none the less! From the cool highlands we headed to the roasting heat of the Perhentian islands. After a 5 hour bus ride we boarded a small boat and sped towards the islands. Once there we were able to do nothing but relax. Lying on the white sands or swimming in the clear see, getting a good look at all the coral and fish. After a few days of solid relaxation we got on a 11 hour bus bound for Singapore. We arrived this morning and have been wandering around the shopping districts all afternoon. Now its just a case of waiting for our return flight tomorrow evening!

 So i suppose this is my final post! I hope you all enjoyed reading about our travels and i shall see all of you very soon!


Borneo: Kota Kinabalu, Sepilok, Mt. Kinabalu

June 16th, 2010

After 6 days in Malaysian Boreno we are back in Kota Kinabalu waiting to fly to Kualar Lumpur in the morning. On arrival we went to a travel agents in town to book our climb up mount Kinabalu. The only free space was on the 15th, so from KK we headed to Sepilok. Whilst there we visited a rainforest wildlife centre, unfortunately we didnt see as much wildlife as we had hoped! However afterwards we went to the Orangutan rehabilitaion centre. We arrived in time for feeding, along with a large crowd of tourists. As the keepers arrived with a bucket of bannanas a lone orangutan appeared to feed. He was not completly alone however, as there were other monkeys on the hunt for bannanas! The crowd obviously scared off the other orangutans. Luckily on our way out we saw the same one up a tree on the side of the path and he gave us our own show! We then headed back to KK in preparation for the climb.

 We left our hostel at about 7am and about 2 and a half hours later we were at the park headquarters. Once we had collected our guide and our packed lunch we jumped in a bus to the start point which is at just over 1000m above sea level. From here we began our ascent to our over night stop at 3300m. It was a hard long slog in cloud all the way but we were relieved to reach our lodge about 4 and a half hours later. After a quick hours sleep before dinner the weather had cleared in time for a glorious sunset! We got an early night for our extremely early start of 2.30am the next day! We woke up still knackered from the day before, donned our head torches and set out for the summit! The sky was still clear and the stars were incredible. It was considerably colder and got colder still the higher we climbed. Altitude sickness, which had set in late in the climb the day before, was taking its toll but we pressed on. We reached the summit at 4090m at about 5.30 just as the sun began to rise. Although the temperature was close to freezing we admired the amazing view of the sun rising from high above the clouds! Half an hour, lots of photos and some shivering later we headed back down. We stopped of at the lodge for breakfast and a bit more sleep before the inal descent. By about 3.30pm we were back at park headquarters, struggling to walk but extremely pleased with our experience of the highest mountain in south east asia!


Vang Vieng

June 10th, 2010

We are back in Vientiane, waiting to fly out after spending three days enjoying the party atmosphere of Vang Vieng. We spent all three afternoons making our way down the river, taking in the scenery. As well as stopping at the bars along the way, all of which were equipped with various swings and zip lines into the water. And of course we had to give the death slide a go, or three! Whilst not on the river it was nice and easy for us to relax in one of the town’s many ‘TV bars’, with sofa benches and endless episodes of family guy, the simpsons, friends etc. After a nice three days chilling out, we are back on the road, heading for Kota Kinaboulou in Borneo. Where we plan to climb Mt. Kinaboulou!


Angkor Wat, Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng

June 6th, 2010

After waking up horribly early, we jumped in a tuc tuc and headed to Angkor Wat whilst still dark. On arrival we saw the orange and pink sky over the temple towers. After a few minutes taking photos and admiring we moved inside the walls. Still the sun was rising over the towers and we slowly made our way towards the temple. As the sun got higher it got hotter, for 6am it was pretty hot! We spent a couple of hours walking roubd the temple and its grounds, taking in the sheer beauty of the builiding. Including all its detailed carvings and great towers. The effort invlolved in building such a thing must have been incredible! After a short stop for breakfast, we headed to Angkor Thom, the ancient city. On the way we marvelled at other smaller temples all around. Once at Angkor Thom we visited the temple of Bayon, we all seemed to prefer this one to Angkor Wat. With its 37 odd towers rising high, each with a different bhudda’s face carved into the side. We spent another couple of hours wandering around the other temples and palaces of Angkor Thom. We also visited a few more seperate temples, including the one used in Tomb Raider, which is all ruined with trees growing from the temples. The whole days experince was pretty incredible, taking in the beauty and effort involved in building all the temples. After a long day, we headed back to the hostel for sleep in preparation for our long day of travelling ahead.

 The next day we were at the airport early for our flight to Kualar Lumpur. After a short flight We arrived in KL and met Rhian. With 3 hours or so to kill we hung around the airport doing our best to rest. After another flight we had arrived in Vientiane. It was already evening by this time and all we wanted to do was eat and go to bed! The next morning we caught a bus to Luang Prabang in the north of Laos. After 9 orso hoursof travelling along mountain roads we were finally there! The next day we went for a wander around town visiting th eroyal palace and a few temples. In the evening our hostel was celebrating it’s 3rd anniversary so we were trated to dinner at the hostel before heading to a local night club. Which was, an experience. The next day we headed up the hill in the middle of town to visit the temple before getting a taxi to the water fall. Once at the water fall we marvelled at the natural beauty as well as jumping and swimming in the pools. On the way out we saw the bear enclosure where bears were relaxing and playing. The next day we got the bus to Vang Vieng. We have just spent our first day here tubing along the river! This invovles hiring out the inner tube of a tractor tyre and floating down the river taking in the scenery. As well as stopping at the make shift bars along the way! We have another couoke if days here before heading back to KL and then on to Kota Kinaboulou in Borneo.


Tonle Sap

May 30th, 2010

Today we went to visit Tonle Sap just south of Siem Reap. It is the biggest lake in south east asia, with a surface area of around 2,500km2 in the dry season, and over 16,oookm2 in wet season. It is currently the dry season so we did not witness it in all its glory. However it was still amazing as we went to see the floating villages. Wich are made up of houses, shops and even a church built onto make shift barges. Strangely the water does not get above a metre in depth, this time of year, yet stretches as far as you can see!

 Tomorrow we have an early start as we are heading to Angkor Wat to see the sunrise! Lets just hope its not cloudy!


Shianoukville, Phnom Penh

May 29th, 2010

After a few days relaxing on the beautiful beach at Shianoukville we headed back to Phnom Penh. We only stayed for 2 nights, enough time to visit the killinig fields and the genocide museum. Both of which were rather harrowing experiences, but definately worth while. The killing fields wasnt quite how i expected. Seeing bits of clothes and bones in the ground whilst walking round was definately not expected. Added to the fact that there still about 48 mass graves still uncovered and this is not the only killing field in cambodia, nor the largest. The genocide museum is in prison S-21 in Phnom Penh. A secondary school turned into a detention centre by the khmer rouge. With a similar atmoshpere to the killing fields, we wondered the makeshidt wooden and brick cells, and saw the many photos of detainees. Although a not all together pleasent experinence, the day was well worth while. Something perhaps everyone should see.

 We arrived this evening in Siem Reap, after 6 hours of a very bumpy but interesting bus journey avoiding the high way tolls. We now hyave 2 days to marvel at the beauty of Angkor Wat before heading to Laos.


Ho Chi Mionh City (Saigon), Phnom Penh

May 24th, 2010

Again, sorry for the late update! After some more relaxing in the very quiet Mui Ne, we gor the bus to Saigon. After a break we met up with some friends for the evening. The nexr day we went to visit the war remnants museum, where we saw some pretty disturbing images. The next day we just went for a wonder around town, visiting Notre Dam Cathedral on the way. The following day we went to the re-unification palace. Built in the 60s it is quite a strange looking palace, whillst inside we visited the offices, living quarters and bunkers. The day after we went to the Cu Chi Tunnels, outside of town. Where we got to see the tunnels and bunkers, some of which were incredibly small, we also went to a firing range where we fired AK47 rifles. They were much louder than expected! In the evening we went to the cinema to see Robin Hood. It was just like the cinema ar home, only cheaper and with sub titles. The next day we went on a trip to the Mekong delta. We cruised along the river, stopping at islands where they make coconut sweets, rice paper and coconut wine. All of which we got to try. After lunch we swapped the motor boat for a canoe and went in down the smaller canals. We stopped on another island to have tea with fruit while listening to local music. We also stopped to try some local honey tea. Then we headed back to town. That evening we decided to go to the cinema again. The following day we rose nice and early to catch the bus to Phnom Penh. After stopping over for just one night we headed south to Sihanoukville on the coast, where we are now staying for 2 days, before heading back to Phnom Penh and then on to Siem Reap.


Hue (Cntd), Hoi An, Na Trang, Mui Ne

May 15th, 2010

Sorry it has taken so long to update, computer access has been minimal! On our second day in Hue we went on a tour of the DMZ. With a 6am start we went from our hostel to have breakfast, then got on the bus to drive a few hours to the DMZ. It was a great opportunity to drive through some of the countryside in the daytime and actually get a look at it! Our frist stop was the site of a US airbase. Although a small exhibition building has been built on the site it was still quite moving, especially reading the entries of ex-US military in the visitors book. Next we went to a bridge, obviously the current bridge is not the original, it marks the start of the Ho Chi Minh trail. However the crruent bridge was a gift from Fidel Castr and Cuba. Our last stop was on the coast. A village of tunnels underground. The people had built the village underground to survive the American bombing raids. The surface reminded me quite a lot of the battlefields in france and belgium, just a bit hotter! Underground was another story, an advanced network of tunnels with living quaters, a meeting room and even maternity rooms. After the tunnels we headed back to Hue town. Next day we headed to Hoi An.

 After our first day in Hoi An we already decided to book an extra night. We found a nice hotel, and as we have discovered along the way we keep bumping into the same people on the same route. There wasnt anything especially touristy to do in Hoi An we spent most of the time wondering town or on the beach. We also decided to have some suits made at a very reasonable price. The wholse process was an experience in itself! After 3 nights relaxing in Hoi An we headed to Na Trang, another beach destination!

 After another gruling night bus journey, we arrived at 6am! Only to find we couldnt check in till 12! So we went straight to the beach, to try and get some sleep! Unfortunately we were far too tired to appreciate the beah at this time. Later in the afternoon however we were able to see it in all its glory. Although described as one of Vietnam’s busiest beach resorts it was absolutely nothing compared to the Riviera, or even the south coast. We also spent 3 nights in Na Trang. Catching up with the same people yet again!

 We left this morning at &.45 and arrived 5 hours later in Mui Ne. Yet another beach destination! However this one is a bit different, a lot less undiscovered, smaller and quieter! The beach is beautiful and there is a lot less traffic as well as a lot less tourism!



May 6th, 2010

We arrive in Hue this morning at about 8.30 after a 12 hour bus journey on the sleeper bus. After a short walk to the hostel we had to sit and wait till about 11.30 to check in. It is a lot hotter here than in hanoi at 37 degrees during the day. After check in and a shower we headed for the local swimming pool!! it was nice and refreshing. On the way back to the hostel we found some lunch, and after the hostel headed to the citadel. It was similar to the forbidden city except there wasnt a lot left due to the war but it is in the process of refurbishment. Then we returned to the hostel for another shower, a rest and some dinner. We plan on an early night tonight as tomorrow we head to the DMZ (Demilitarised Zone), and our tour leaves at 6am!


Hanoi, Vietnam

May 2nd, 2010

We landed in Hanoi on friday afternoon, immediately noticing a difference in temperature and humidity! During the taxi ride to the hostel we also noticed a difference to china. Firstly it seems a lot more green but also cars are our of place on the roads, which are dominated by mopeds. The buildings are also different, seemingly a lot more colonial giving the streets a more European feel. Once we got to the hostel we turned on the air conditioning and had a snooze. Afterwards we wondered around to find cash and food. A little while later we sat down in the street on what seemed like children’s garden chairs tucking into noodle soup (Pho), washing it down with the local draught beer. Next morning we had a late start and after a considerably continental breakfast, headed into to town to wonder. We ended up just walking around town visiting the lake, old quarter and french quarter. Afterwards we had another snooze and went to find another restraunt, after another incredible (and cheap) meal we wondered around the busy night market and then found a bar for a few drinks before returning to the hostel. This morning we woke early to get to Ho Chih Minh’s mausoleum, after breakfast and a shower, we realised it was absolutley chucking it down. We decided to wait it out. Unfortunately it was too late to visit the mausoleum but we managed to get to the military history museum. It was very interesting, particularly so due to the fact that everything seemed to be propaganda. each artifact was labeled as being used by one person to do something, making them a hero. Although many of these seem rather hard to believe, but it was a good afternoon none the less. Tomorrow we are heading to Ha Long Bay for a 2 day/1 night excursion, including staying the night on a boat. After that we are returning here for one night then heading south on the bus on wednesday morning!
