BootsnAll Travel Network

Hue (Cntd), Hoi An, Na Trang, Mui Ne

Sorry it has taken so long to update, computer access has been minimal! On our second day in Hue we went on a tour of the DMZ. With a 6am start we went from our hostel to have breakfast, then got on the bus to drive a few hours to the DMZ. It was a great opportunity to drive through some of the countryside in the daytime and actually get a look at it! Our frist stop was the site of a US airbase. Although a small exhibition building has been built on the site it was still quite moving, especially reading the entries of ex-US military in the visitors book. Next we went to a bridge, obviously the current bridge is not the original, it marks the start of the Ho Chi Minh trail. However the crruent bridge was a gift from Fidel Castr and Cuba. Our last stop was on the coast. A village of tunnels underground. The people had built the village underground to survive the American bombing raids. The surface reminded me quite a lot of the battlefields in france and belgium, just a bit hotter! Underground was another story, an advanced network of tunnels with living quaters, a meeting room and even maternity rooms. After the tunnels we headed back to Hue town. Next day we headed to Hoi An.

 After our first day in Hoi An we already decided to book an extra night. We found a nice hotel, and as we have discovered along the way we keep bumping into the same people on the same route. There wasnt anything especially touristy to do in Hoi An we spent most of the time wondering town or on the beach. We also decided to have some suits made at a very reasonable price. The wholse process was an experience in itself! After 3 nights relaxing in Hoi An we headed to Na Trang, another beach destination!

 After another gruling night bus journey, we arrived at 6am! Only to find we couldnt check in till 12! So we went straight to the beach, to try and get some sleep! Unfortunately we were far too tired to appreciate the beah at this time. Later in the afternoon however we were able to see it in all its glory. Although described as one of Vietnam’s busiest beach resorts it was absolutely nothing compared to the Riviera, or even the south coast. We also spent 3 nights in Na Trang. Catching up with the same people yet again!

 We left this morning at &.45 and arrived 5 hours later in Mui Ne. Yet another beach destination! However this one is a bit different, a lot less undiscovered, smaller and quieter! The beach is beautiful and there is a lot less traffic as well as a lot less tourism!


4 responses to “Hue (Cntd), Hoi An, Na Trang, Mui Ne”

  1. a.g. says:

    Very envious of your beach life when we have had to put the heating on here at home.
    I sense that you are finding the people you meet, particularly other travellers, are as meaningful as the places you visit…….. In Indo-China the older generartion speak some French and would be bowled over if you young ‘uns went up to them and spoke in French………..In S.E. Asia sometimes sharing a room in a hotel is a better bet than a hostel and you can bargain.

    Our new Prime Minister and his Deputy are being nick-named Ant and Dec.
    I assume you get to hear some UK news.

    Keep writing, p-l-e-a-s-e.

  2. Hilary says:

    Hello from a sunny Pyefleet morning. Glad u are getting some relaxation in. DMZ sounds fascinating, particularly as I remember the news reports from the war. Yr poignant comments about WW1 battlefields reinforce just how futile the whole thing usually is. Keep the blog coming when u can. Enjoy the new friends! (and the old ones too of course!)

  3. Vanessa says:

    Lovely to have new blog, have missed them! I remember all the news from Vietnam being on the TV and its strange to think that you have all now sen something of how it was. As Hilary says, not much change from WW1 brings it madness home. Glad you are meeting up with friends made on the journey Would like to be warm and on a beach. Too cold and grey here for May! Keep writing and look after each other!

  4. jim says:

    Hi rob glad to see your on the blog again it really adds to getting a feel of your trip, keep it coming when you can and with all your own immediate impressions it really gives a different view of what you are seeing

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