BootsnAll Travel Network

What are we doing?

I am travelling in China and South East Asia with Tristan, Grant and Sam. This is just to keep all you folks at home updated!

A day at the beach!

April 29th, 2010

Yesterday we went to Repulse Bay, a beach on the south side of Hong kong island. I’m afraid to say there isn’t a lot to say as we didn’t do a lot! Just a nice relaxing lie on the beach with a bit of swim out to platforms. You will all be please to know we did as advised and stayed within the shark net! After the beach we came back for a bit of dinner before heading to the races! We were a bit late to the race course and missed the first one. Once we got inside we were a bit over whelmed by the size of the stand and course within the city. After a quick look at the horses we made our decisions (mostly on the names of the horses). Of course none of us won! However, a couple of races later both Tristan and I won HK$64!! Which after the rest of the bets, gave us a profit of about HK$20!Today we took it a bit easier, after collecting our Vietnamese visas, Sam and Grant went for an afternoon at the Hong Kong space museum, whereas Tristan and I went to get a few needed supplies! Tomorrow we make for Hanoi, our next destination!


Trip to Kowloon

April 28th, 2010

Yesterday we went across the harbour to Kowloon, the ‘Dark Side’ as Bridget likes to call it. We visited most of the markets on that side, except the gold fish market. I think the most impressive was the bird market! Although very loud there were lots of interesting birds for sale. On our way back to the ferry we came through the night market which was a bit different to the one in Beijing. It was more normal stalls than weird foods etc. Once at the water’s edge again, we waited for the nightly lightshow. At 8pm it started, with the main buildings of the Hong Kong skyline flashing in different patterns and colours in time to music! It was a little strange but impressive none the less. Today we are heading to a beach on the south side of the island!


1st Day in Hong Kong

April 27th, 2010

Yesterday was our first full day in Hong Kong. We started off by heading to the vietnamese consulate to sort out our visas for vietnam! We have to pop back on thursday to collect them. After that we just decided to wonder around town. We ended up walking absolutely miles! At least we got to see the city. Once we arrived at central, we took the worlds longest escalator, which i think is about a kilometre long, up the hill through town. We then decided to head up the peak, even though it was a very misty day! Once at the top, after the ride on an extremely steep tram, we looked down onto the city. All though we couldn’t see a lot the view was still pretty impressive! Then we headed back to the apartment, where we were informed that we were going to the Foreign Correspondents Club for dinner! Just had time for a quick swim in the pool and a sit in the hot tub, then into town! After an amazing dinner, and with very full bellies, we went to a couple of bars in the area. Unfortunately they were too expensive for us! So we came home to look over the amazing view before bed!


Hong Kong

April 26th, 2010

We arrived in Hong Kong at about 9pm last night. After another good flight and a slight panic in guangzhou train station, due to a lack of english signs, we made it to Hong Kong station! A short taxi ride later we had a very warm welcome from Bridgette and Iain. We spent the rest of the evening chatting and just staring in awe at the view that we have. As i type now i am looking out over the city and the harbour! We are off shortly to get our Vietnamese Visa all ready for Hanoi in 5 days time!


Terracotta Warriors

April 24th, 2010

Yesterday we went to see the terracotta warriors. We went on a tour run by Clarence Guo, who dad used when he was here. To begin with Tristan was rather reluctant as Clarence’s tour cost 400 yuan, where as the hostel one cost only 160. I told him that the tour came highly recommended and that we would see more than just the warriors. So he decided to join us. Clarence arrived with his van at about 9.30am, and we set off. First we went to visit a Daoist temple in Xian. Having Clarence to guide us round was extremely helpful as he could explain everything to us, as well as asking questions. Places we have visited before, although interesting, were lacking some explanation. That was not the case here. After the temple we headed out of the city. Instead of taking the motorway, as most tours usually do, we took the roads through the surrounding towns and villages. Eventually we turned off the main road onto a dirt road. We headed up the windy road till we got to the cave village. The village was amazing, everyone who saw us seemed very friendly and said hello with a big smile on their face. We went into one of the houses, where we were welcomed again with a big smile and hello. We looked around the rooms, with the bare clay walls in the side of the hill, the clay bed and pillows as well as the stove with bellows. It was really nice to see how these people lived, keeping up tradition. After this we headed to the warriors. We stopped at a restraunt close to the museum, there was no room to sit so the owner let us sit upstairs in their living room. Clarence ordered us a selection of local dishes, the meal was possibly the best one we’d had in china so far! After a very filling lunch we headed into the warriors museum. Clarence guided us round, giving us information as well as his own theories on the warriors. Although i had seen the exhibition at the British Museum this was completely different. The scale was pretty mind blowing, with so many of the warriors still buried and not restored, and the huge pits. Once we got back to the hostel we all agreed the trip had definately been worth the extra money! In the evening our hostel held a free Dumpling party (although the website says free ‘dumping’ party). We got to make traditional dumplings, and of course eat them! Today we had a more relaxed day, just wondering around town looking at things like the walls. Tomorrow we head for Hong Kong, via Guangzhou! So my next post will be from Hong Kong. Hopefully Bridgette and Ian will have a better internet connection than the hostels and i can get some photos up!


Day 1 in Xian

April 22nd, 2010

Today we had a nice lie in, didn’t get up till after 10. After a welcome breakfast in the hostel  we set out to explore the town within the walls. First we went to check out the Bell and Drum towers. They were very similar to the ones in Beijing except they were in the centre of town. After this we headed to the Muslim quarter. The streets were filled with little shops and vendors selling all sorts! The smells from the food were incredible. We went looking for the great Mosque, which took us a while to find in all the winding streets. Eventually we found it. Once inside it seemed a completely different place. The sounds seemed to stop and it went from bustling chaos, to serene tranquility (and then i just CHUNDERRREED EVERYWAH!) As with the temples and palaces of Beijing it was all symmetrical. Unlike the others it wasn’t so refurbished. Some of the roof carvings were absolutely beautiful. We weren’t allowed in the prayer room (for obvious reasons). We were also lucky enough to be around for the call to prayer, with people in the courtyard and in the prayer room praying. Afterwards, whilst heading back to the hostel, we came across what seemed to be a local market. It was really interesting, with stalls selling just about everything. Bike vendors, stalls on the back of vans and the streets absolutely heaving!! We are now in the hostel awaiting Sam’s arrival! Tomorrow we are heading out to the warriors for our tour!


Arrival in Xian

April 21st, 2010

So we are no longer in Beijing!! We left the hostel at about 9.30am and hailed a taxi to the airport. After a very smooth and speedy check-in we were left to wait in the departure lounge for 2 hours! But better to be safe than sorry i suppose. A short flight of just under 2 hours, with lunch served an hour in, and we were in Xian! Our pick up driver was waiting as promised and again, a very smooth transition from tarmac to taxi! The motorway from the airport to the city was completely empty, as we neared the skyline the traffic got worse. We thought the roads were bad in Beijing were bad but this was much worse!! A complete free for all, it was like being on a roller coaster, weaving between cars, lorries, bikes and mopeds, with the horn beeping an awful lot! The closer to the centre of town the worse it got!! There is also a lot of rapid development going on here, with half built high rises, cranes and scaffolding everywhere!! Our hostel seems very friendly and cosy with great facilities! Tomorrow we await the arrival of Sam! As well as a scottish guy we met in Beijing. We plan to see the warriors the day after tomorrow so that sam can join us. Will keep the posts coming as once again the internet is free! Just have to make sure a get on a computer as it is quite busy!!


The summer palace

April 20th, 2010

Today our tourist mood took us to the summer palace. The emperor’s sort of second home (lets hope no mps are claiming one this big!), set in nearly 800 acres of land with a man made hill and lake it was pretty impressive! We felt it was sort of like the Forbidden city but with more greenery around!! Again there were lots of chinese tourists trying to take our photos etc, we are pretty much used to this now! Tomorrow we make for Xian!! Hopefully sam will be close behind us but it all depends on this bloody ash cloud, no one seems to have a clue about. Anyway only a short one from me today! Hopefully internet access will be this easy in Xian so i can update as regularly as here but we shall see!!


The Great Wall

April 19th, 2010

Last night we made it to the night market. It was pretty amazing with stalls selling lots of strange foods! Grant was brave enough to buy a stick of scorpians, which were still alive before being deep fried! He ate the legs but as the opened the inside to reveal eggs, he decided against it! A little later he bought a starfish again still alive before being deep fried. Tristan and i were man enough to try a bit, it was a bit like a crab with a crunch. The same stall had lots of wierd stuff like iguana, mouse, centipede, cockroaches and snake. Other stalls had sheeps penis and testicles, some had dog. It was quite an experience! I bought some sugared fruit which was simialr to a toffee apple but instead of just an apple it was strawberries and kiwi on a stick. We also watched a man do sort of glass blowing with caramel to make a horse! The whole thing was very good fun! 

Today we went to the great wall. It was a long day starting early, we woke up at 6am to be at reception for 6.40. With a group of about 15 or so we loaded up a mini bus and hit the road. Unfortunatley the one day we needed it not to it was raining! The drive was about 2 and a half hours and between sleeping, taking in the scenery and experiencing some rather frightening driving manouevers, we managed to arrive at about 9.30am. At this point the rain had begun to slow, which was good! All we needed then was some blue sky (which we havnt seen for 5 days!). On arrival we had the choice of a cable car or a short walk to the first tower. Out of our group we were the only ones to walk, which got us there quicker, saved us money and we got to see more of the wall! The first few towers were refurbished so despite the steep steps with narrow treads it was relativley easy. Then we came to the part that hasnt been refurbished and for the rest or our walk (8km and 30 towers) it was a bit more of a scramble. With loose bricks up steep steps (a bit like the slate in snowdonia). The views were incredible looking over mountains on both sides, with the wall weaving over the horizon in both directions. As we moved further along the wall the clouds began to move off and by the time we sat down for lunch, towards the end of our walk, we could see blue sky!! As we carried on the sun appeared to make a beautiful sunny afternoon! The last bit of the walk went across a river, we had to cross a rope brige. Although a little daunting it was good fun with great views. Once up the other side of the valley we had to get down to the car park. There were two ways to do this, walk or take the flying fox!! Of course we decided to take the flying fox!!! Which was a zip wire down the river to the first damn, from there we went on a boat to the next one and then walked the short way to the car park! It was certainly quicker and more fun than walking!! Tomorrow is our last full day in Beijing, not sure what we are going to do yet. We might go to the summer palace but we shall decide in the morning!


Another day in Beijing

April 18th, 2010

Today was was a bit brighter than it has been with the sun trying its best to penetrate the smog! This also meant that it was quite warm! After a late breakfast at about 10.30 we met with Korea and headed for the temple of heaven. As with the forbidden city the scale, layout and colour was rather impressive! After a bit of exploration in there we headed to a very big indoor matket which sold various counterfit and fake goods. This was in experience in itself, with some rather aggressive and pushy salesmen and women. It starts with a simple ‘You want watch?’ but soon escalates into an arm grab and a tug towards the counter. It was quite fun walking round and seeing what people offered as well as trying to barter. Korea managed to get a watch from a starting price of 180 yuan down to 20! Once we decided we’d been harrassed enough we headed back to the hostel, picking up some dumplings on the way that were delicious! As we didnt get to the night market last night we are hoping to go tonight!! Going to the wall tomorrow, its an early start of 6.40am!! Will try and upadte again tomorrow as the internet is free here!!
