We have a 24year old horse we call Bug and a goat named Butler. Obviously one of the challenges with us going round the world was to find suitable care for them while we’re gone. We found a great boarding stable not far from where we live that is willing to take them both and they also recommended an equine transport company to move them. So, on Monday I called the Joe to see when he could transport them & he said “How about tomorrow?” – I thought for a moment I was going to hyperventilate.. a part of my mind was screaming no no no this is all happening too fast! We arranged to have him come Sunday morning instead but as I got off the phone Jim, seeing the look on my face, said “Our life is really moving in fast forward these days isn’t it?” It was a perfect definition of what we’re both feeling.
We were hoping for the house to sell quickly, of course, so we could embark on this grand adventure we’ve been talking about for several years. But we never anticipated it selling in only 3 days and having only 30 days to be out AND find board facilities for the B’s AND get everything moved into a storage unit while keeping out what we’ll need in the apartment AND GETTING an apartment, AND having the house ready for the new owner. We have to be out next Thursday and as of yesterday I finally started to breath again because we are actually probably ahead of schedule for getting everything done.. it’s all been a bit much at once!
It’s been a HUGE blessing that Jim was laid off from his job because he’s been stuck with most of the “joy” of packing and moving. Not lucky for him but I just keep imagining how much more difficult it would have all been if we’d both been working full time AND had to get everything done.
At this point we’ll have everything moved into storage by Saturday, we’ll move Bug & Butler to their new home on Sunday, and we’ll move ourselves & remaining things to our apartment Wednesday evening. All in all it’s been a very busy, often stressful, month but within 1 week we’ll really be ready to start focusing on the fact that we are now able to make a long talked about dream become reality. I am SO looking forward to spending the time off with Jim discovering new cultures & meeting more people of the world -and then….. we’ll just see where our life goes from there.
Tags: Travel
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