The Plan
Friday, April 27th, 2007Our plan is a bit dependent upon when our house sells, which will determine when we leave. But, if all goes as scheduled & we depart this fall this is our plan:
New Zealand/ Australia – 2-3 Months
Bali – 2 weeks
SE Asia – 2 months
India /Nepal – 2 months
Africa – 6mths
South America – 3-4 months.
We are only booking the air to New Zealand to start so will be loose & fancy free so this is a rough plan, to be sure. Right now the big challenge is finding a place to board our horse & goat, find storage space, get shots and, oh yea…sell the house!
Jim’s sister Wendy is a realtor so she is on the case and hopefully will all go quickly. If so we’ll put most things in storage & shack up in an appartment for a few months, finalizing shots & planning and saving even more money.