That time of year rolls around again
Wednesday, November 25th, 2009It’s a bit overwhelming to realize tomorrow we celebrate yet another Thanksgiving Day. 2 years ago we were in Bali, eating Italian at a lovely beachside restaurant and just beginning to realize we really didn’t have to go home soon! Now, back to the more traditional American holiday (much as I love getting together with Jim’s family… I vote for Bali!!!) Time flys by so quickly it becomes even more important to truly live your life NOW rather than waiting for that someday moment.
We are trying to practice the ‘living in the moment’ theory here at home. While I would rather be on the road, we do have much to be grateful for. We both have jobs in this difficult economy, we have a cozy house to live in, great friends and family. We’re happy, healthy and most of all together. We are still spending most waking moments planning our next big escape, but appreciating the conveniences and, yes, luxuries of home… knowing we’ll have a warm shower, having a super comfortable bed to sleep in , and being able to eat pretty much anything we want for dinner on any given night, all things that were sometimes few and far between in our life on the road. We’re appreciating our fantastic dog Maddy and are thrilled to have been able to rescue her. Life is good.
Happy turkey day to all and practice being grateful a little bit for what you do have. We can tell you first hand that for most people in the world every day is a struggle just to survive. When you’re pissed at the Verizon morons (that would be me), or the mailman (that would be my sister in law), stuck in traffic, tired of your job, etc. Just remember what is good about your life for one thankful day, hug everyone you love and hey, hug someone you don’t know, and keep in mind.. you can always complain again tomorrow!
Living the dream (and beginning our spanish lessons next week!), Love, Jim & Rhonda