London – Day 1 and 2
Day 1: Arrived in Heathrow at around 9 in the morning. Took about an hour and a half to get through customs. I mean what is wrong with this place when they have 3 Custom guards servicing 2 jumbo jets that come in at the same time?! Ok, enough of the rant. Got on the Underground (not the tube or subway) and got to my hostel. Easy find with the directions I had. Couldn’t officially check in till 2 so I dropped off my big bag and grabbed the Underground to see Big Ben and Westminster Abbey and the HOP (houses of parliament). Got off the underground and BAM..there they were. Big Ben is awesome and covered in gold and really impressive. The HOP are cool and Westminter Abbey looks ok from the outside, I didn’t go in cuz I was feeling really jetlagged by this point. So I was exhausted and decided to go back to the hostel and check in and go to my room. Got into my room, two other guys and one girl from South Africa. One guy has an alarm clock that goes off at 6 in the morning and the other one comes in late and makes a lot of noise. FUN! Oh well, roll with the punches. So I went back out that night and caught a London Walking tour called “Apparitions , Alleyways and Ales” . Kind of cool, got to see more of the city and meet some nice people. Went out for an Ale afterwards and found out why the whole city was out and about, it was St. George’s day, the patron saint of England. Got a fake plastic flag for a souvenir, lol.
Btw, bad spelling in this post because this computer is awful and I’m not using firefox to spellcheck, lol. Oh and another thing…no free wifi around so I gotta pay to use their computers.
Day 2 – Woke up late after being woken up by early guy. That’s not to be confused with science guy either!! lol. Took a shower, only one shower per floor for about 20 people..and was late to breakfast. Guy gave me grief but I managed to get some Cocoa Puffs out of him. Took off and hit the Underground and went for 13 hour straight. Did the British Museum, National Gallery, walked through Soho, Picadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, the Pall Mall and saw Buckingham Palace, St. Jame’s Palace and did a Jack the Ripper tour. Oh and I went to Harrod’s for my mom to take pics of Di’s rememberance thing. LONG day and my feet, legs and back are killing me. It’s 11pm and i’m about to turn in. See ya all later!
Tags: 1, Europe, London, Travel
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