BootsnAll Travel Network


So I woke up today still coughing from this horrible cold.  Now going on eleven days.  This thing won’t leave me alone.

Anyways i got up, got a quick shower and grabbed some breakfast.  What is it about Europeans and their Nutella?  They love the stuff!  Every morning I have Nutella and some strawberry jam, yum, but it still seems wrong to eat chocolate for breakfast…

So I headed out to check out Interlaken.  It’s a nice little town on this river inbetween these two lakes.  The best part is the amazing views all around you.  GIANT mountains and woods are all around you..and even a glimpse of Jungfrau, the tallest peak in all of Europe.  I was thinking of going up there until I found out it was 165 Swiss Franks which is just about 150 USD!!!  To take a train to a mountain!!  No thanks.

I did walk all over town though and got some lunch.  I headed back to the train station, Interlaken Ost, got a ticket to Lauterbrunnen for about 11 Swiss francs.  Rode the train which takes about half an hour and then started to walk up the Lauterbrunnen valley.  I knew I wanted to hit up the Trummelbach Falls which Chad highly suggested and looked awesome but I just didn’t want to take the bus.  For a couple of reasons, it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside, mid 70s…high clouds but still sunny. Waterfall after waterfall!  Snowcapped mountains, glaciers…mountain meadows…cows with cow bells…JUST AWESOME.  So I hiked my way up to Trummelbach Falls which took about an hour and went into the Falls.

So the falls are actually carved into the mountain and inside of it…there’s 10 of them and the sound and the water are just beautiful.  The force of the water to carve away at the mountain and the sound was awesome.  Soo cool and I’m so glad I checked it out!

After the falls I walked back down to Lauterbrannen and got the train back to Interlaken.  As I was exiting the train station it started to sprinkle so I busted out my rain jacket and put on my rain sleeve over my camera bag and good thing I did!!  The sprinkling gave way to almost hurricane force winds as I walked the ten minutes to the hostel.  The winds were so strong that all the people at the restaurants were running out because their signs and table clothes were flying all over the place.  Then the wind turned to rain…HARD RAIN.  I was glad to only be a few minutes from my hostel but in the ten minutes it took me to walk there I was SOAKED..well my shorts were soaked.  I got in, hung up my jacket and grabbed a hot chocolate.  I think this will call it a night…Switzerland is beautiful though.  I have totally fallen in love with the Berner Oberland area and hope to someday come back.  The mountains remind me of Tahoe and the valley reminds me of Yosemite..all combined.  Simply awesome.

Enjoy the pics…

InterlakenThe river which looks teal…The train to LauterbrunnenValley floor 1Valley floor 2Valley floor 3Trummelbach Falls 1Trummelbach Falls 2Trummelbach Falls 3


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