BootsnAll Travel Network


January 12th, 2010

So, a lot has changed since our initial plan… as you may understand from the title change. Jafe and I have come to terms with not being able to take six months off during the next transition in our life. So, we’re opting for possibly six weeks. We do know we’re definitely planning two weeks in Japan with our family (Danielle & Jason), which may include things like sumo wrestling, temples, gardens, etc. We’re lucky enough to know Danielle who studied in Japan and still keeps in touch with her house mom who plans to travel with us… like a personal translator. Though I trust Danielle’s mad skills too.

We’re also trying to plan a trip to Africa with an organization I work with called 4 Osprey. Once that site is up and going I’ll get you a link. Very exciting concept by my boss and friend Rebecca.

Don’t lose hope in us, we’re just juggling a lot of options and trying to get them all to land in the perfect spot.



another organization of interest

October 1st, 2009

I also found this site the other day, and keep meaning to blog about it. International Volunteer HQ seems to be the same quality for better pricing. I’m still irritated that I have to pay to volunteer, but I understand there are cost and fees to cover. Just seems like I should be able to walk into any town and offer up free help in exchange for a place to sleep. Anyway, this will be more legit on resumes for both of us. Check it out!

International Volunteer HQ

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new idea

October 1st, 2009

I’ve been struggling with this proposal I’m working on for Krannert. I mean, how do you just ask for six months off, how do you break the ice on a topic like that? I’ve decided my initial presentation would actually be an invite to meet and discuss my ideas (hit them with the professional design right away). But I’m still struggling, something just wasn’t feeling right. The research ideas weren’t exciting me, the need for connecting with people at performing arts centers wasn’t really calling to me. And then I put in a CD that my dearest friend Danielle sent me, Playing For Change. And the ideas flooded my brain again. There’s the exact thing I want to be doing. Proving the importance of music and it’s ability to inspire, to change.

Today I emailed them to request collaboration. I don’t know if it will get to the right person with the right timing and the serendipitous needs that I’m hoping for… but I would never know if I didn’t email. So, I hope you’ll join me in happy wishes that my email makes it to the right place.

If you don’t know about Playing For Change I would highly recommend checking out their site.

Here’s a video, only 4 minutes long, of what they’re doing:

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chiro is great for my health and my travel planning…

September 21st, 2009

My discovery today while Jafe and I were waiting for our chiro appointments with Jeff Melby was on the back of Time magazine… mobile uploads for travel. Obvious I suppose, but it never occurred to me that all the Lonely Planet books I want may just fit on my phone. Check it out: Lonely Planet.

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update & newest research

September 2nd, 2009

So! My 2nd tier boss didn’t give me an official approval, but doesn’t think it’s a ridiculous idea. At worst, she figures, I could negotiate leave without pay for a couple of the months I’m gone if I get a certain amount of work done before I leave. At best, if I come up with a compelling research paper idea, Krannert would make sure I can still get paid while I’m gone. Excellent! She also suggested talking to as many people as possible for research. Today I’m working on Registered Student Organizations [RSOs] that would be interested in my research idea [Impact of Performing Arts in Developing Countries]. I’m aware that the topic needs to be narrowed down quite a bit, and I bet a lot of these groups would have some ideas or lead me to the right people in Champaign or, better yet, in some of the countries we plan to travel to.

So far:
Bhangra Club: To promote Bhangra, a dance style popular in Punjab, India.
Fizaa: To compete nationally with our Indian based fusion dance style.
Ghungroo Dance Company: Showcase Indian culture through various dance styles
(anyone noticing a theme here? maybe I focus on India?!)
llini Raas Team: The Illini Raas Team is an organization dedicated to the promotion of south Asian culture, specifically through the competitive performance of the Indian dance known as raas.
Independent Media Center, UIUC Chapter: To produce and disseminate media, and train new producers of media and art.
Mithya: Mithya is a dramatics group dedicated to production of plays and short films with Indian themes, backdrops and subjects. Its purpose is promotion and cultivation of Indian style drama that encompasses varied number of styles, genres and traditions. Participation is open to all theatre enthusiasts!

Those were performing arts/media related, these fall under the category of cultural/ethnic:
African Cultural Association: Our mission is to dispel the myths and stereotypes that exist regarding Africa and its people. To promote awareness and educate the community about different issues affecting Africa today.
Anubhooti: To enjoy and spread the Indian traditional as well as modern music and culture across the diverse campus community and beyond. Not restricted to just Indian music, we explore music from the rest of the world, but add an Indian flavor to it!
Bengali Student Association: To foster an understanding of Bengali cutlure and awarness and to create community spirit.
Burmese Student Association: To help incoming Burmese students transition easier into Champaign-Urbana environment, and to help cooperate and exchange information among Burmese students at UIUC and Burmese people at Champaign-Urbana area in a variety of environments.
Chinese Arts Culture Club: Introducing China by its different art forms(calligraphy, musical instrument, opera, architecture, etc.). From both a traditional and a modern perspective, the members will be able to know China from a brand new and deeper horizon, in a view that is most close to the real China.
Ethiopian Students Association-UIUC: The ESA hopes to initiate a movement towards the advancement of students in Ethiopia through aid.
Indian Student Association: To promote cultural awareness and diverse opportunities for students on campus with special emphasis on Indian heritage.
Nepali Student Association: To uplift the cultural, social, and educational lives of the students of Nepal, and to bring about better understanding of Nepal and promote peace and harmony among the myriad of cultures within the University and beyond.
Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music and Culture Amongst Youth: Promoting Indian Classical Music and Culture

This one comes with the heading of international:
Bollywood Appreciation Club: Bollywood Appreciation Club wants to spread awareness of Bollywood which is the name used by Indian hindi films amongst people in America, as well as people from back home. We wish to show bollywood movies to people from all backgrounds so that they can not only learn about Indian culture but also enjoy the movies.

Well, I’d say the student organizations reflect something that Krannert is definitely lacking… any connection with India. What a great way to narrow down my research. Looks like I have some emails to send. Stay tuned!


possible brainstorming for funding

August 23rd, 2009

I finally sat down to work on my proposal to Krannert Center for this six month leave, and I started to realize all the benefits a performing arts center could attain by travels in developing countries. I started a list that led me to ideas of taking an actual sabbatical (where I would still be paid) and possible grants for this research. I’ve gone from trying to figure out how to budget for six months with out pay to wondering if I could get published for research in arts in developing countries (for entertainment, for community strength, for education, for kids, for women’s role in society). I have some key people to talk to this week for sure, this is exciting!

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living vicariously through myself

August 22nd, 2009

I have to include this conversation Danielle and I had in five minute intervals as our phones randomly hung up on the other person. Somewhere in there she said she was living vicariously through me on our plans, and it’s all so surreal-scary-exciting-will-it-even-happen that my response is “I’m living vicariously through myself too.”

I suppose I find myself doing that frequently when given a challenge. Jafe will tell you I’m scared of everything, which is pretty much true: snakes, heights, buses, large social groups, using the phone, going places by myself, things I can’t see in the water, water I can’t see through in general, depths. I could go on and on. BUT! I make myself do these things anyway, because I don’t want to miss out on stuff. I may not be very happy with that decision while I’m actually doing it, but after all is said and done I’m grateful I forced myself or Jafe forced me to face a fear. The only way I’m capable of doing that is in a sort of out of body way where I have to put on my fearless ass-kickin’ woman character and let her go. Maybe that sounds stupid, I don’t care, it gets me to do things I normally wouldn’t… like take a six month adventure with Jafe.

Most recently that happened while in Zion National Park on vacation with four awesome women (Danielle being one of them). All the canyons had me terrified of even driving through the park. On the last day we went ziplining, and in ziplining I was able to scream out some pent up energy (from the fears) and realize it’s only the first step that’s scary. The rest is an excellent ride.

Thanks to Katherine for this little video to remind me of the most beautiful state in the US: Utah.

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