BootsnAll Travel Network

trying to budget

August 22nd, 2009

Today I found a great site,, where I could put in locations and get an idea of what the cost may be for all our airline travels. Looks to be around $4000-$5000. Not bad considering we’re flying amongst eight countries in there, but what do I know? I’ve never done this before.

airline travel

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August 21st, 2009

I’m testing ways to best display pictures, since I will most definitely be taking a lot of pictures. Comments welcome if this is not user friendly.

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August 21st, 2009

Our original blog I’ve been working on up and disappeared. Not only the blog, but the account all together too. I emailed for them to fix it, but from experience they’ll have no record of any of it. So, all of that to say I’ve restarted the blog in hopes this isn’t a regular thing… being that I’m trying to track websites.

Sorry for lost lists/comments/ect, I’ll try putting everything up again. Thanks!
