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Day 2 in China

May 5th, 2009


After a terrific day walking on the Great Wall and dining on Peking Duck, my second day in Beijing was bound to be a bit anticlimactic.  It was a pleasant walk from my hostel, the Happy Dragon, to the Forbidden City.  Once I arrived, though, I could see it was no longer exactly forbidden.  In fact, my arrival appeared to have coincided with an enormous pulse of Chinese tour groups, and I was soon entrained into a mass of pushing, shoving, humanity.  Although the  Forbidden City (aka Imperial Palace) is the oldest, most important structure in Beijing, dating from the Ming Dynasty (around 500 ya), it was difficult to get a feel for the place, let alone get some pictures of the interiors of the pagodas.  I finally was able to chill out a little in the royal garden, and the return trip to the South Gate was slightly less frenetic.  I then walked up to Tianammen Sq., taking the obligatory pictures of Chairman Mao and the Revolutionary Monuments.  TS is supposed to be the largest plaza in the world, but I didn’t see a single bench or seat there – guess they don’t want to encourage loitering.

 After that, I decided to try to find the Museum of Natural History.  I walked quite a ways, using my map and compass.  It looked like I was fairly close, when I commited the cardinal sin of letting a sidecar taxi driver see me looking at the map.  He asked me what I was looking for, then told me he would take me there.  Of course I asked him the fare first, and he said “two”, which seemed a little low, but I knew I was within a block or two.  As we started driving, the direction seemed a little off course. About 5 minutes later he stopped at what he said was the place, and I handed him the 2 Yuan.  “No” he said, and indicated with his cell phone that the fare was 200 Y (around $33!).  When I refused to pay, he lowered the price to 150 Y,  wherupon I put $4 in his hand and walked away.

I finally had the opportunity to try out the GPS on my Iphone, and it turned out I had been displaced about 1 mile from the museum, so I walked there, arriving 30 min before closing.  The museum was nice, very relaxing after my tour of the city, and there was a good collection of dinosaurs collected in the Mongolian desert.  As I was walking back, the taxi driver came up behind me and asked me if I needed a ride!

So my lessons learned  were:

1)  Never let anyone see you looking at a map on the street, and

2) Make sure that “two” doesn’t mean two hundred or two thousand 

Today, I might try the Summer Palace – that should do it for me for palaces for awhile.


Along The Great Wall

May 4th, 2009


 I spent today walking along the Great Wall.  I went to a section called Jingshaling-Simitai, which is one of the furthest from Beijing, and thus less touristed spots, and also probably the most scenic.  It was a 6 mile hike, all on top of the wall, and I must say it was quite impressive.  The wall itself has been reconstructed in many places but is also crumbling into the environment in many others.  There are many large “guardhouses” along the length, built to support the many soldiers that defended it against attacks from the Monguls and other people.  I did the hike with 3 Americans, and had a great time, occasionally takinfg some “unconventional” paths over the structures.  Hopefully the pictures will get published OK this time – still trying to figure out this system.  I’m going with my 3 new friends to the Peking Duck House for dinner – probably the most famous place in the world to sample this regional favorite.  Well, guess it’s time to push Publish and see what happens.  Tommorow going to The Forbidden City and Beijing Zoo, after a bicycle tour of the alleys (hutongs) of Beijing.







First stop on world trip

May 3rd, 2009

I arrived in Beijing today. The trip was pretty uneventful, except for the start in Miami where the customs official told me that my visa for China was not valid until June 20.  After about 10 minutes of frantic questioning, he figured out that he had been looking at my Vietnam visa – details!  Other than that, the main theme of the trip  was the surgical masks everywhere, especially in Hong Kong. 

After taking the train and subway to my hostel in the center of Beijing, I went out for a walk to grab a few beers and some spicy chicken, then headed over to the neighborhood park, Jingshan.  There was nary a teeter totter or swingset in sight, but they had a number of massaging/stetching machines that looked like they came staight out of a chiropractor’s office.  Little kids and old men were using them all – they even had one for practicing Tai Chi, consisting of 2 rotating discs that reminded me of the movement of “wash car” in The Karate Kid.  Went home and slept for 12 hours, and will go this morning to The Great Wall.


Less than 24 hours to go – still packing

April 30th, 2009

Well, I bought a new backpack for my RTW trip – now I just have to start packing it.  All my visas came in the mail today, and I just went to the bank.  Now if I can just decide how many pairs of underwear to take….


5 days to takeoff

April 27th, 2009

Well, I’m trying this blog thing for the first time tonight – hope it works!  Still waiting for my passport and visas to come back from ZVS, looks like the India one is the log jam.  Otherwise, I’ve been procrastinating about packing, and just basically waiting around until my flight leaves for Beijing on Friday.  I’ll try to update this as I go to SEA, India, Africa, Egypt, Greece, and Europe.


Hello World Traveller!

April 6th, 2009

Welcome to BootsnAll Travel Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!