Arriving in Buenos Aires
Sunday, March 1st, 2009I touched down in Buenos Aires and decided right away that this was my kind of town. The people were hip, generous and generally friendly.
My taxi driver caught me off guard by being genuinely helpful. I am always suspiscious of taxi drivers. Always. But this guy was unable to find the address right away so he asked if I had the number of where I was staying. We were right around the corner but somehow his GPS wasn´t reading correctly.
Javier from Dakar Motos came and found us and showed us the way. Once inside his moto shop, I met Pierre and Celine, a French Canadian couple that are riding a pair of matching BMW 1200GSs. They had ridden from Quebec to Ushuaia and were now on their way back north so Celine could be there for the birth of her sixth grandchild. I still can´t believe she has 5 already! The cold weather must be a good preservative because she certainly did not look old enough to have any. They both shared their experience and tales, and I picked their brains on roads up north.
About 30 minutes after arriving, Javier announced that the asado was ready. I have NEVER tasted meat like this before. It was simple backyard grilling, but OMG. Soooo tasty. I had a few different types of meats and I even tried some of the scary looking black sausage. I have a new respect for the culinary potential of just about any dead animal. Just give it to an Argentinian to prepare….
After being a glutton, I settled in for a nap, followed by some grocery shopping. I was still pretty exhausted from the flight, so I turned in around midnight, hoping for some rest. It wasn´t to be. Mosquitos. They LOVE me. The ones in my apartment in NYC must have sent some smoke signals down to the ones here in BA because they feased on me just as viciously as their northern brethren. I tossed, I turned. I heard the bbbbbBBBBBBBZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz all night long. Eventually, my body was too tired to notice it anymore and I finally passed out.
It was just the kind of day I needed before a big journey. I got rest and got extremely well fed. Woo hoo!!! On to tomorrow…