Introducing my Tranny….
Here he is! My first male motorcycle.
I felt it was only appropriate to name the bike Tranny, as he´s a Honda Transalp. And of course you can´t have a female tranny, so well, he´s a guy. My biggest worry during the planning of this adventure was “Am I going to fit on the bike??” This morning when I got to MotoCare, Mariano told me he had put on the low seat I requested and lowered the front forks a bit as well. Well done. I hopped on, and good news. All is well! We did all the paperwork and an hour later, I was packed and following him to Ruta 7. Of course, in true Claudia style, when he told me “go right, then right” I went right, then left. Mariano chased me down on the highway and set me back in the right direction. Thanks Mariano….
So, my feelings about Tranny. He´s heavier than I´m used to, but also much smoother of a ride. The front brakes are a double brake as opposed to the single on Beemie, so there is some serious brake action going on. Also, I have to be extremely careful about where I park him because if there is any sort of grade, I don´t have enough contact with the ground to muscle him around. I´ve already had to ask for help once on backing up. Ahh well, smile and bat the eyes.
Riding out of BA was simple. It was Sunday morning and there was minimal traffic. Learning the style of driving here was quick and isn´t really any different to home on a two lane road that you can pass on.
I´m about to be kicked out of the internet cafe, so here are a few pics from the day.
Tags: 1, Argentina, Tag Index
March 1st, 2009 at 9:26 pm
Awesome, you’re off to a good start!
March 1st, 2009 at 10:28 pm
Claudia and Tranny touring Soiuth America… can’t wait for the stories!! 😉
March 2nd, 2009 at 7:54 am
So I thought that I was relatively exotic with my Catalan Paella six weeks ago. Mussels,etc. Seems like anything I can make is fair game for you now, even sausages??????????? You seem well acclimated to the area. Mosquitos are familiar fare for this family. Only the Mazzas were immune. Just need to know, is the food spicy? Take care of yourself and get some repellent. Today we have 10 inches of snow and still another 12 hours of storm to go. I loong for some sun(or a banana).
Love to you.
March 2nd, 2009 at 6:27 pm
Go Claud! Looks like better weather than Nova Scotia. Safer…but not as exciting as those white-knuckle ess-curves or foggy elevation changes. Let us know what kind of wing-“man” Tranny is!
March 2nd, 2009 at 8:33 pm
Glad you fit on the Tranny with ease! Nice pics, keep posting them!
March 3rd, 2009 at 6:58 am
Mom, got bitten again here in Mendoza. I am starting to look like there is something wrong with me because of all the welts. No, the food is not spicy.
Epps, plenty of white knuckle curves, and I did get rained on briefly on my way out of BA, but nothing like Nova Scotia. It was a quick downpour but I had my raingear on in a flash and only needed it for 30 minutes.
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