BootsnAll Travel Network

Day 2

Waking up in the middle of the night when two roommates came in loudly and made lots of noise for over an hour, although Joanna slept through the whole thing!
Having our free breakfast consisting of way too much food…it was a nice surprise.
Meeting two Canadians at breakfast who were originally a group of three until their friend left them in Prague wanting to try to drink his way through Europe. I still don’t understand how this would work?
Seeing the colosseum ( from the inside!), the roman forum and the palatine hill. We walked for ages and were so tired by the end. It was very very hot.
Hearing loud thunder but getting literally only a few drops of rain!
Seeing our new Malaysian friends when we were at the colosseum and then walking with them to the forum where we got separated from them quickly. We had met them at breakfast too.
Hanging out on the hostel terrace although the stairs to our room itself are brutal and the terrace is on the roof.
Getting yelled at in hindi multiple times. I met a Sri lankan store keeper.
Hearing about ( and experiencing) multiple times the breeze that comes directly from the ocean to the terrace from the owner.
Not going to the bar to watch the Germany-Spain game even though the rest of the world was. Apparently football is a big deal here in italy :)
Listening to faudel on the terrace
Going out for dinner and ordering pizzas that end ip being exceptionally large.
Reliving today through this post and realizing that this morning feels like it was last week.


2 Responses to “Day 2”

  1. Meena Says:

    Bravo! second day sucessful. how are u enjoying the evironment. Maybe sightseeing in the morning and early evening might mke it easier and napping in the afternoon might make it more enjoyabl.

    Opps, forgot to call in the evening.

    Lots of love

  2. Posted from United States United States
  3. nitya Says:

    FYI faudel is an Algerian/french singer who I first heard in French class

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