Day 13 part 1
We woke up planning to spend a comfortable day in the city. We had it all planned out. We were going to start off at the bargello museum and state until it closed at one pm. The three hour time limit would have forced us to pace ourselves our our lunch would have been perfectly placed throughout he day. After we would visit the Santa croce church and then we would spend the rest of the day shopping/searching for cheap places to shop. Bit after beakfast (of pastry and cappuccino) we went to the bargello and found out that it as closed dye to a dance festival taking place that night. Whaaat?? So we decided to do our last day trip instead to arezzo. We went to the train station and found that the next train was leaving in eight minutes at 11:08. Joanna quickly bought her ticket and then I stepped up to the self-service machine. I flew through the online instructions and put my bill in. What happened next? NOTHING! It was stuck. So I went to the customer care place and waited online for ten minutes only to be told that I had to go to the ticket office where the line us really long. But then she told me that I should just skip the line. So I did, and a bunch of people were annoyed at me. The guy was really nice though but I didn’t have the machine number sobi had to go back and get it. I went back and skipped re line again. The guy had anoter person Open up another window to help me. It oil a while bit finally he gave me a slip. I have to go back the next day to pick up my money. Whew…but the next rain isn’t for almost an hour and we had to meet the Italian family at 7:30. Well anyway there was nothing we could do about I now. More later!
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July 19th, 2010 at 3:36 am
Just catching up to all your posts. I had to go to india last Tuesday evening on work. Arrived on thursday morning at 5am for all day meetings starting at 9am. Repeated this onfriday. Left for Saturday to ahmedabad enroute back to Boston. Sitting right now in London airport debating when to call you. I get a feeling the gelatos are waking u up early. Maybe u shd keep a stock at dartmouth! Now are u tracking how many flavors u have consumed. Might be kinda cool to try all flavors at least once.
How was dinner with the amato’s? Sure it was fun. Take email addresses of the girls and keep in touch w them. I am sure u are making Facebook friends with everybody u are meeting.
Bye and expect my call.