BootsnAll Travel Network

Sweat and cars

Conakry kids

Well, we’re struggling on in Conakry, where to get anything done seems nigh impossible. We’re trying to find a vehicle to take us inland, but the ones so far have been very expensive. Won’t bore you with the details, but at the moment the Saturday aim of leaving Conakry is looking unlikely. Still, this is Africa, and anything can happen…

In the meantime, we’re trying to get used to the sapping heat. It’s unbelievably warm and humid here – it was like being slapped in the face with a hot wet flannel when we stepped off the plane on Tuesday. Still, we’ll need to be used to it by the time we hit the road for the source otherwise we won’t have a very pleasant time.

Watch this space for further missives.


2 Responses to “Sweat and cars”

  1. Martin Lee Says:

    Hope your transport situation gets better soon. maybe it’s like London, can’t find one for ages then 3 come along at once, or maybe not 😉

  2. admin Says:

    Well mate, I’m writing this having endured a journey of over 300kms wedged on all sides between a Guinean, a dashboard, a gear stick and half a decrepid front seat. Needless to say there are plenty of stories to tell about getting around out here! Keep up to date with the next few postings as to how we got on trying to get to the source… a bientot!

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