BootsnAll Travel Network

The Obligatory Bio Post

April 12th, 2006

So this is for anybody reading this (IS anybody reading this??) that doesn’t know me, or doesn’t know me well, or does know me but would like a refresher, or does know me well, but just enjoys being retold shit they already know…

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Shooting up, part deux

March 20th, 2006

Woo! Disease-free for me!

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A Night in Bruxelles. Or, “Excuse me. Sorry.”

March 19th, 2006

24 October, 2005

I just got off the train in Brussels from Rotterdam. I meant to get here a little earlier in the day, but… eh… you know how shit goes. I’m really just passing through, as I have to catch an early bus to the Charleroi airport. So, just the day. Or less, really. I’m down to about 15 hours before my bus leaves in the morning, so I better make the most of it. I wanted some time to check out the city, so anything I need daylight for I better do now. It’ll start getting dark in a few hours, especially with the overcast weather that’s been prevalent for the past week. So, I’ll start off doing what I love best about being somewhere new…. getting lost walking. I’ve never been to Brussels before, other than the couple hours spent in the train station on the way to Rotterdam in the first place. Oh well, not like that’s ever been a problem before. I have a map and my camera… time to check out the scene.

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Shooting Up

March 13th, 2006

So let’s talk about vaccinations.

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Radio Nerokerr

March 9th, 2006

Need something to listen to while at a computer?

On the sidebar to the right you will see a new music page, which contains a link to Radio Nerokerr.


My First Blog.

March 8th, 2006

So this is it. My first blog. Ever. I’m slightly surprised by this, that it’s taken so long, as I’m an admitted computer and internet junky. I was there in the beginning, and I spent many, many hours wasting as much time as I possibly could online. If there was a new internet trend, I knew about it, and had likely at least dabbled in it. And then it slowed. Perhaps because I grew older. Perhaps because I became more busy with my life. Perhaps because I eventually just got bored. It was during this downtime that “blogging” took hold. Before I even knew what happened, it seemed that everyone had a blog, whether they should or not. Blogging became a new portal. A new way that everyone could tell everyone what they thought. The new independent publishing medium. Regardless of if you could write or not, as long as you could type, you could blog. And they did. Everyone had their blog, whether they deserved one or not. The internet became filled with the mundane, trivial babblings of anyone that cared to type them. And I began to resent the blog for this, thinking it’s awfully presumptuous and vain to assume that people care what you have to say in your blog. Because honestly, for most people, I could give a rat’s ass.

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