Ourika Valley
10.00 we met the Spanish group at the café and headed to the taxi stand. We were 8 people, so we had to get two taxis. They agreed to 500DH a piece, round trip, including waiting for us for a couple hours while we enjoyed the mountains. Split between the 6 of us (naturally, Zak and Mohamed wouldn’t pay for being our guides), it was a good deal. It took about an hour to get out there, and along the way there was a stop we could take some pictures of some castle-looking thing that I don’t know for sure what it was, and also sit on a camel. Very touristy, of course, but one of my goals was to ride a camel on this trip, and since I wasn’t going to have enough time to do a 3 day desert excursion, this 10DH faux-camel ride was going to have to do.

Tags: Africa, Camels, Morocco, Travel
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