My First Blog.
So this is it. My first blog. Ever. I’m slightly surprised by this, that it’s taken so long, as I’m an admitted computer and internet junky. I was there in the beginning, and I spent many, many hours wasting as much time as I possibly could online. If there was a new internet trend, I knew about it, and had likely at least dabbled in it. And then it slowed. Perhaps because I grew older. Perhaps because I became more busy with my life. Perhaps because I eventually just got bored. It was during this downtime that “blogging” took hold. Before I even knew what happened, it seemed that everyone had a blog, whether they should or not. Blogging became a new portal. A new way that everyone could tell everyone what they thought. The new independent publishing medium. Regardless of if you could write or not, as long as you could type, you could blog. And they did. Everyone had their blog, whether they deserved one or not. The internet became filled with the mundane, trivial babblings of anyone that cared to type them. And I began to resent the blog for this, thinking it’s awfully presumptuous and vain to assume that people care what you have to say in your blog. Because honestly, for most people, I could give a rat’s ass.
Yet, here I am. Blogging. I’m now a blogger. How has it come to this? ….Good question. I spent quite a bit of time deciding whether this was a step I wanted to take. Did I really want to dive into the blogging world? Become a blogger? Apparently so. I’m trying to keep my reasons on the practical side. If I keep it mostly travel related, hopefully any experiences of my own can be of some use to somebody else that may read this… ya know… assuming anybody does. And, I could have a place for writing about local establishments and experiences that may entice people to come to Detroit. Or perhaps help anybody that “ends up” in Detroit and needs an inside scoop. I’ve relied on the opinions and recommendations of others countless times when traveling, so here’s to Good Karma. Besides, the city needs it… just trying to do my part. There will very likely be much music discussion as well, because, as everyone knows me knows, it encompasses my life. I can’t, however, promise that I won’t end up in a drunken rant regarding whatever’s on my mind, or just begin venting…. but I will refrain from the mindless bullshit of reciting the mundanity of day-to-day life as if it’s a CNN breaking news story. There’s enough 12 year old bloggers covering that for me.
I’ve tried keeping journals before, but they inevitably get left half done. Sometimes mid entry, sometimes even mid sentence. I’ll likely transcribe writings from past travels, and hopefully that will get me motivated to finish the one’s left undone. And we’ll just hope that the same doesn’t happen here, as well.
So here I am. Blogging. A blogger. As if I really needed another excuse to be at the damn computer more….
Tags: Introduction
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