¡Barça! ¡Barça! ¡Baaar-ça!
Whilst in the common area eating some food, I was trying to decide how to spend my day. I was figuring on some bumming around and hanging out, but nothing specific, and not sure for the night activities. I overheard some people mention there was an FCBarçelona fútbol game at 22:00 that night against FC Bayern München, and that tickets might be cheaper from the stadium. So I decided I’d make my way over there eventually during the course of the day. I admit… I’m not much of a sports guy, and the most fútbol I’ve ever watched has probably been this year, with me being in Europe during the World Cup and all… but I’ve been to plenty of sporting events and do enjoy going to games. And, as I only found out while being in Barçelona, they’re apparently the best team in Europe. So why the hell not?
The stadium, Camp Nou, is a pretty good size… still may not compare to some of the American football stadiums, but not bad. I got there around 17:00 to get tickets. It’s way out on the north-west side of town, so I took the metro out there. Even 5 hours before the game, there was quite a crowd out and about, buying souvenirs or touring the exhibit about the club in display there. Unfortunately tickets weren’t as cheap as I was hoping…
I had overheard that it might be about €18, but the cheapest tix they had were €25… however they were all sold out, so all I could get was a €37 ticket. But I grabbed it anyway… not like I had anything better to do. After going back to the hostel to make some dinner, I came back to the stadium. My seats weren’t too bad. I could pretend that I remember highlights from the game… but I’d be a liar. It was a fun time… typical sporting event… cheering crowds, the wave… but no alcohol! Shocked the hell out of me, especially being in Barçelona and the event being sponsored by Estrella Damm, but all they had was Damm Bier, the non-alcoholic version. It was a good time regardless, though. Someone did get onto the field and ran quite a ways before the security got to them. Barçelona won the game, a 4-0 shut out, with the fans chanting “¡Barça! ¡Barça! ¡Baaar-ça!” and blowing their team logoed horns and noise makers.
Tags: Europe, soccer, Spain, Travel
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