We have a new roomate in the house. Her name is Ch’goo-ut, which in Khmer means crazy/foolish. We found her hungry and lonely wandering around on our street and decided to adopt her.
The second night it was in our house, it got caught in a sticky mouse trap. Three hours of dealing with a tramatized cat later, I suceeded in cleaning off most of the glue.
Will, who has taken the place of James in the house, did not want the cat in his room, so he set up a guardian as protection.
Some more pictures of the cat:
Enjoying my helmet.
Wondering what is going on.
Tags: Cambodia
July 15th, 2005 at 12:32 pm
What a gorgeous cat!
July 18th, 2005 at 2:42 pm
Dude, Neil we miss you man. Its been a couple months since I really dug into your site, but I’m glad to see things are still rocking. Striper fishing on the cape wasn’t the same without you dog. It was just last year when we were all down there that you were taking off……hardly seems possible. Caught a few thirty pounders and a solid buzz last time we were down, keep me posted boss.
July 22nd, 2005 at 10:26 pm
happy birthday , neil.