By Popular Demand…
By the looks of things, my friends and family (especially you mom) are all clamoring for some pictures of this mysterious Pooja. Well, here she is. She is from Edmonton though her family is originally from India.
Also, here are some shots of the countryside from my ride last Saturday:
Peov about to jump over this canal
Peov celebrating a successful landing
Visa rolling over a culvert
Leang’s bike after he tried to drive across a railroad bridge
Tags: Cambodia
October 20th, 2005 at 8:40 am
October 21st, 2005 at 11:28 am
Solid S! Reminds me of that one time when we were in Boulder Colorado….
October 21st, 2005 at 9:01 pm
dude, she’s a cutie. blogs are better when they have love stories in them 😛
October 23rd, 2005 at 5:35 pm
Bravo guh-Sneil! Glad to see you’re still ‘such a playa.’ Reminds me of your visit to the ‘Ford, but way better… Give me a heads up when your prodigal self returns. I shall throw you a party worthy of your Nordic godliness in the new hizzouse. Minnesota just isn’t the same without ‘S’… I mean what the hell is Minneota?
October 29th, 2005 at 1:45 am
Hey Dude…sitting here with your mother..Pooja is quite the looker! Mom is smiling to see you so happy. Leaving for Whistler..AGAIN WITHOUT U! Maybe next year??? Yes, Pooja can come too! Time waits for no man, Neil……( You’re mom told me to write that) However, she is right! P.S. How’s the Gov? He looks like Mel Brooks. Natalie’s pet rat “Chubb”, is successfully growing a new tail and she is happy getting her grades to rise to exceptable graduate levels. Now, don’t you wish you were still at home??? A lot to miss! Tata for now, keep that Cambodian wind to your back! Love YA!
October 30th, 2005 at 2:05 am
Sounds fun
Pooja is very good looking
well check ya later