Another Week at Chiva’s
A week spent at Chiva’s Shack does a body good. If you recall from my last visit to Sihanoukville, I spent a good deal of time living with Chiva and his family on the beach. They provide free accomadation for those interested – in return they always have a customer at their establishment. As I pulled into their driveway I could already hear Mama yelling from behind the bar.
“Mr. Neil come home to Mama,” she said.
“Yes Mama, I’ve come home,” I replied. In fact, Chiva’s family has become like a second family to me.
It was so nice to get back to Sihanoukville – I enjoy the town, people, and atmosphere much more than the beaches of Thailand. I am also convinced that you meet a much more interesting breed of traveller in Cambodia, someone who is not just looking for fun and sun, but someone who has a genuine interest in the country and culture of Cambodia.
So for a week my days at Chiva’s were much the same. I would wake up at around 9 or 10, go for a swim (which doubled as my morning shower) then have breakfast. One morning I taught Mama how to make French Toast. I thought I did an alright job and told her she should put it on the menu. From mid-morning until around 4 pm I would usually lay around reading or chatting with patrons of the bar. In the afternoon I would either play Sai, a SEA version of hackysack, or soccer on the beach until sunset and happy hour.
Over the nights we had a few good parties. I made a flyer for a Friday night bash called “Party with Papa”. I took a picture with Papa holding one of his famous Mekong Whiskey buckets and put it on the flyer. Guests who showed up with the flyer in hand got a free vegetable curry from Mama.
I was also giving Mama advice on how to attract more business. She happens to make some killer banana pancakes so one night when there was a table full of large guests I told mama to go over and give them a free pancake. The guests loved it and ordered a few more. Mama was happy.
If you stop by Sihanoukville, be sure to say hello to Mama for me. She has some excellent food, her daughter makes tasty Mojitos, and Chivas plays some killer music. You can stay for free, right on the beach, too.
So now I’m in Phnom Penh, furiously handing out resumes to English schools. I traded in my backpacker outfit for some dress clothes. At the Central Market I was able to buy: two pairs of pants, three shirts, socks, and a belt for $16. Granted it is not exactly designer labels, but who cares? Its Cambodia! The teaching prospects are looking good – I just got a call from a director who wants me to teach an 18 hour seminar on writing reports next week to an NGO. The school is one of the better paying ones in town, so hopefully this gig will lead to a more permenant position within the school.
There has been a nice, cool, dry breeze blowing through town today. It almost feels like a fall day back home. Instead of the wind blowing leaves though, the wind is blowing garbage through the streets.
Life is good,
Tags: Cambodia
November 19th, 2004 at 1:15 am
congrats on the job assignment, doesn’t anyone play badmitton?
November 20th, 2004 at 9:13 pm
happy thansgiving thanks for the post card we wish you luck in your new job and im glad you have anice mama san to keep an eye on you and feed you well your mom is going to ark for hoiliday so that will be nice take care love gramdma
November 20th, 2004 at 9:33 pm
show the duds so we can see the styl’en future employee.. pennies, down to pennies and you can still look good..
November 21st, 2004 at 7:17 am
It is 3:12 am on November 21st and I am furiously ripping cds left and right onto the ipod. Took Monday and Tuesday off and am heading home today for a week. Thanksgiving isn’t going to be the same without you. Try to find some turkey.
November 22nd, 2004 at 12:05 pm
Life sounds so wonderful in Cambodia, as it was for me in Costa Rica. Let Mama know she should expect me around March or April 🙂