BootsnAll Travel Network

thailand revival

hey yall.  i went to cambodia today at popet to renew my visa.  damn was that heinously unpleasant.  i had tto leave dan’s house at 5:30 am to get to kao san for my 7am bus.  so the ride there was okay- i got my fave seat on the bus, the one by the back door where nobody is in front of me to lean back.  however, i was left at the rest stop, fuckers!

we made a pit stop to do something with our passports and ea lunch.  i went next door to check my internet and when i looked up, th ebus was gone! i went back into the restaurant and everyone was laughing at me and teh owner of teh restaurants brother took me in his pick up the extra 5km to the border.  now i don’t know if you recall my memoirs of poipet, but it seems hard to believe that a sketchier, trashier, sadder, more hectic border town/crossing coudl exist on the planet.  and i was there without my passport! the bus driver had supposedly handed teh passports back out on the bus but that idoit had left me behind! so i started my day at poipet running around for the bus driver who i could not have picked out of a line up.  remember now that i am navigating the grabbing hands and bodies of small cambodian children which i have totally not experiencesd in chiled-out swanky thailand for months.  woah.  so somehow i fidn the driver, get my passport.  smack him mercilessly and tell him he is a peice of garbage (of course with a smile on my face- even when i am angry these days it is with a laugh and a smile… woah that would have sincerely sucked though if i couldn’t find him…).  then i proceeded to enter the maze of customs, theives, begging children, and sneaky officials who comprise the poipet border community.  i had to leave thailand (30 minutes) enter cambodia (long time) then leave cambodia before entering thailand again (woah long time woah).  in the middle fo it all this cambodian army dude tried to convince me i had to pay 10$ to him because i was only staying in cambodia for the day.  i KNEW this to be a scam and damn him if i was going to pay but DAMN me if i was goign to go to jail for obstinence.  so i delicately disappeared from the situation and hid behind a big suitcase while on line to the actual security guard window wheer i ws not charged the 10$ (in addition to the 30$ cambodia visa i had to buy just to enter cambodia).  jesus.  then somehow i foudn the bus again and yelled at everyone i saw that knew i wasn’t on the bus.  then the bus left 2 hours late (meanwhile i had been waiting on lines of hundreds of people, SURE that the bus was giong to leave withut me again).  when i got back to the bus area i bught ice cream for 23 shoeless cambodian children.  the first round i bought 6 and small girls got punched in teh eyes so i ran and got two more bagfuls of icecreams.  i used to live like this every day in cambodia…. dif-er-ent.

on the way back to bangkok i sat next one of THE MOST reciculous humasn i have ever encountered.  i was stunned for 3 hours.  he was a yuogolsavian swedish male model who was so fuckign stupid, igonorant, humorous and beautiful and dumb and unsure.  wow.  it was amazing to hear every sentence to come out of his mouth.  he is at presetn INFURIATED with thais for the following reasons:

1. his thai friends make him go out with them even when he is really REALLY really tired and then are annoyed at him that he is not happy
2. he can not to save his life find 100% oraneg juice because there are no fucking laws restrictign who can say what is 100% juice
3. he thinks the cleanign guy at the gym stle his crappy cell phone.
he sounded like ali g and could have been a character but was way to specific.  i mean so specific it was inhumane.  total trip.
now i am back on kao san waiting for dan to pick me up.  today was really not that fun but at least i am rewarded with another 30 days in this crazy country. 
still working on uploading pics but the internet connection at dan’s is erratic at best.  it allows me to uplaod about 40 pics every 13 hours.  still working on it. 
tida is coming to thailand on saturday and i think we will head south ro really south to a beautiful beach or a rediculously beautiful beach.  sometimes when life gives yyou lemons you have to make lemon merangue pie, lemon chicken and gin and tonics with lemon, right?

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-156 responses to “thailand revival”

  1. Joelle says:

    The vision of you buying ice cream for all those children made me invision you just like pippi longstocking buying candy for all the kids from her pirate fathers’ chest of gold!

    when are you coming home? i am waiting for some cooking samples from your cooking class!

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