BootsnAll Travel Network


roll call

ROLL CALL! hello friends! it’s roll call time! i am very curious who has been followng the noodlequest beside the slim few of you who occasionally post. So…….. call it out! just respond with your name, and who you are or a comment if you want. Don’t be shy!
today jess and i woke up at 6:30am to go meet this nice guy named mr. vong who invited us to a ceremony that was being performed at his house in his village, a 2 hour “bus” ride from luang prabang. i was still feeling really nauseous in the morning and teh thought of sitting down to a meal with his family sounded near death- but i thought i would give it a try anyway…
he picked us up at sok dee guesthouse and took us on moto to the southern bus station where in the FREEZING cold (jess and i were each wearing 3 shirts and 2 pars of pants), we boarded the “bus” to his town. the bus was this little local pick-up truck that has two bunches running legnthwise down the back with a tin roof over the benches. brrrrrrrr the tin roof blocked any sun that could hae warmed us but luckily there were 23 people (very literal count) sitting with us to warm us up. a tire popped on the way and we all got out and got warmed up a bit. then 20 minutes later the other 3 tires went flat and we all got out again. while waiting on the road i realized i did not feel okay and was most anxious to get to vong’s village to lie down somewhere. so, vong and jess hailed me a pick up going back from where i came and i got on, this tiem in the front car part with teh silly driver and a wman who fpeeled fruit the whoel time and talked in a super shrill voice. for some reason the 1 hour drive to teh breakdown hnge diretion point took 2.5 hours to get back from, sans breakdowns. i got back to town and deliriously walked through the day market where i bought some pants for 2$. then i came home intending to drink some sprite and rest for an hour or so but ended up sleeping for 5 hours… what the hell is wrong with me?
now i will go attempt to eat some food and then go watch a movie at the cinema which is really just me and jess’s personal lounge retreat in luang prabang. a guy named tia works theer who lets us watch movies and eat and drink snacks for free or very slashed prices which is reat. we have watched a couple of random spanish movies in addition to a horrible movie called spun with brittany murphy and john leguizamo. i think i will watch pedro almodovar’s mala educacion after i eat… or.. ahem… after i shop at the night market for a minute… WHO SAID THAT?!?!

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6 responses to “ROLL CALL”

  1. Joe Maffia says:

    Roll Call – by my count you’ve had
    a total of 60 posts, 87 comments, 8873 web pages have been viewed, and those pages have been viewed by 1556 different website/visitors. Not shabby.

  2. Larry says:

    wigs is present!

  3. DADDYOOOO says:

    Imake the noodlequest required reading for myself

  4. Joelle says:

    I am here!

    Who is this Mr. vong and how did you meet him? Did Jess go to his house?
    I still dont understand if you have extended your trip AND when you are going to massage school.

    I was shocked to see the picture of me on the previous post! Glad you enjoyed the pics!

    Stay healthy and have fun! Hope those five hours helped!

    Miss you but am still enjoying reading your!


  5. Joelle says:

    btw – my names missing from the role call list!


  6. Elyse says:

    It is no secret that i check the NQ every day to see what adventures/troubles/situations/transportation disasters/foods/degree of upset stomach/etc you’ve had since your last post. as always, i love and appreciate the detail.

    your sister

  7. sarah says:

    I check back at the noodle quest more often than i should probably admit to! I love it though, nothing like living a friend’s exciting life instead of my own boring one. And not only do i get to hear about your life, but the rest of the fam’s as well (congrats on the dress elyse). Keep ’em coming mariss.

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