Ready, set, MASSAGE!
hello! i am leaving for massage school in about 20 minutes. i am going to meet my group outside fo the old city at the base school in chiang mai and then we will all travel together to go to the school in the mountains.last night i freaked out a little bit and almost decided not to go. i was talking to dan on the phone and for every plus i thought about for one option i thought of minuses for that one and plusses for the other . the two choices are that the sunshine massage school has a base in chiang mai AND one in the mountains so i really have two options. anyway essentially i went back and forth adding +’s and -‘s to my chart until i came to an interesting philosophical question. ahem:
Tags: chiang mai, Travel
I really don’t know what i’ll do without the NQ for 10 days.. I thrive on your adventures and I’m always hanging on to every last bite you take. i was happy to find that in one of your recent posts, you got back into hefty descriptions of meals. we were missing those for a while, but happy to have that info back in our daily feed of your blog.
massage away, little sister, massage away.. we are all thinking of the massage sample we will get upon your return. i’m first. take a number, y’all!
My therapist once quoted yogi berra to me when i asked him a question about which option to choose – “when you get to a fork in the road, take it..” – it didnt really help me, but maybe it can help you!
Enjoy massage school!
Have fun Mali!
I really don’t know what i’ll do without the NQ for 10 days.. I thrive on your adventures and I’m always hanging on to every last bite you take. i was happy to find that in one of your recent posts, you got back into hefty descriptions of meals. we were missing those for a while, but happy to have that info back in our daily feed of your blog.
massage away, little sister, massage away.. we are all thinking of the massage sample we will get upon your return. i’m first. take a number, y’all!