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bye bye old friend, chiang mai of my heart

Friday, March 17th, 2006

last night i had a nice dinner with ro and laurie at the wok restaurant which is a really nice restaurant and famous cooking school. i had some massaman curry, the king’s favorite!
then i got home and packed until about 12. today i woke up, checked in on my dress and had a satin sash made for e’s dress. then i went back to julie’s, moved out of my room and went to the chinese market called warorot market. WOW! it was so freakign huge! at some points there were four levels and outside vendors and multiple buildigns- i am sure i saw 1/8th of it. good thing too because they had soo many cool things to buy. i settled on a weird tank top for lauren and a new hat for me. i never replaced the one that i lost in vientienne, laos.
so then i picked up my dress and sash and now i am at the niternet place. i said goodbye to bank, my friend who owns teh shop and left a good luck bracelet with him for his wife tum who is having her first ultrasound tomorrow and is going to find out if she is havign a girl or boy! everynoe thinks boy but her and bank think it will be a girl. everytime i am in chiang mai they are so kind to me and feed me all of the time in their room behind the internet. very very nice people.
i also took some impotrant photos today of my room at julie’s, my kao soi restaurant and kao soi chef, gotam the nepalese dude at the tailor and other important shots. it is a little after 2pm and i will go to the airport at 3:30 so i think i have just enough time for an hour foot massage for 3.5$! chiang mai is a spa lovers paradise.
anyway my flight is at 5 and i will get into chiang mai at around 6:30. dan’s going to meet me at the airport.
i just checked and it is 30 degrees in nyc! not okay! the 10 day forcast predicts 50 at the end. i conceptually can NOT grasp what thsi will feel like. ouch i am cold!
jess is on day 5 of ehr meditation retreat, the middle day of her journey. i am so curious what kinds of things are happening inside her skull. hopefully she will not be totally insane when we next see her. this feels pretty unlikely as 10 days seems adequate time to break down, go insane, stay insane for a while then peice yourself back together then fidn peace with your new brain, don’t you think?

the final fronteir

Thursday, March 16th, 2006

hello friends. so i am still inchiang mai. i have been really tired and a bit sick as the stress of trying to change the ticket and the speed at which i’ve had to make decisions and move myself aroudn has been really exhausting. i am just feeling worn out. i am compensating by enagging in frenetic shopping behavior. i think i have spent more money in the past 2 weeks than in the past 2 months, seriously. i am not worried about it. so i am having my third fitting of my dress today- hopefully it will look better than it did last night. the shape and color are great but it needs to be cleaned up- maybe i wil have some last touches done on it in new york.
tomorrow night i am flying to bangkok and am spending the weekend there. i will go to the weekend market, finally, and then drop off all of my one jillion photos. wow. that is a lot of photos but much cheaper here than in new york. on monday night dan and i are going to the beach at koh tao until the 26th or 27th and then i fly home the 28th. whirwind! i am really glad that jes and i are flying home together. wow! is it going to be freezing in ny? at this point i have had 10 months of summer and i don’t think it’s quite enough! brrrrrr i don’t want to be cold!
today i am going to eat some kow soi, have my dres fitted than meet laurie, jeff and ro from my massage course for dinner tonight at 7pm. tomorrow i will go to the local market called warorot mkt before i leave- as if i could carry another thing on the plane- me and the night market went a little out of control last night but actually i bought all gifts, as usual.
more later….
wow a week and a half until i come home… weird!

Ready, set, MASSAGE!

Saturday, February 11th, 2006
hello! i am leaving for massage school in about 20 minutes.  i am going to meet my group outside fo the old city at the base school in  chiang mai and then we will all travel together to go to ... [Continue reading this entry]

whirlwind chiang mai

Friday, February 10th, 2006
so actualy after i posted on the blog i didn't leave that night.  dan and i spent the evening fleeing the wrath of his psycho ex-girlfriend who was threatening to come over to his house to do what, exactly, wasn't ... [Continue reading this entry]