I passed the Safe Serve exam with flying colors! Now I am paranoid about touching anything in the kitchen for fear of contaminants. I guess that is the idea, isn’t it.
I got an e-mail from the guy who setd up wind and solar generators at the field camps, Joe Yarkin. I was talking to one of the antenna riggers the other day (the same guy with the Football) and told him about my interest in solar and wind power. He gave me the name of the guy who is in chare and hopefully I can get involved this year volunteering my services with hopes of ettin work with him next season. He just gave me is work number and told me to ive him a call.
Luci has also been working on getting volunteer work. She got a letter fom one of the Helo pilots requesting her Italian skills. The Italians all come through McMurdo on their way to their base, Terra Nova. they are scheduled to arrive on monday.
Here is a link to the Mcmurdo homepage. It is not the greatest but you can find some of the best weather observation data on the continent. http://www.mcmurdo.gov/