Whole Way Home
I began heading back north after a beautiful afternoon of sailing out of Gloucester Point, Virginia with Sasha. Perfect winds, perfect seas. I had planned to make the long haul to Philly but couldn’t get in touch with my friend there. Good thing because I was waylaid with bike troubles. After a lunch in a glass and debris-strewn park in southeast Maryland I suffered a flat which effectively put an end to my plans for a long day.
It was a slow leak and I didn’t notice it until I was about 20 miles or so down the road and It started to ride like I was in a sand trap. I pulled over at a school bus depot where the employees went out of their way to help me. One of the bus drivers is an avid rider and once hit all the lower 48 in a six-month trip. I was impressed. I made a few calls and located a tube and a shop that would put it on. Byron the bus driver gave me a lift after he got out of work at five.
By the time I got back on the road it was nearly dark. Because of my paranoia with riding at night, I got a hotel. My first and only on the trip. I left at first light the next day to get to Brooklyn. It was a long day. I took the ferry across Delaware Bay and planned to ride up the Jersey Shore. That lasted about ten miles. Too many lights and strong winds. I opted for the State Forests a few miles inland. It was nice but still doesn’t touch northern Jersey for riding terrain. I got to Brooklyn with no problems and minimal traffic. I visited with my old high-school friend Jen and was back on the road to VT in the morning.
I always tell myself I am going to take it easy and try to enjoy CT but I am always so close to home that I just blast through it. I was in a hurry to meet my brother Jesse who gave me a lift from Vermont to Maine after I abandoned the bike with its rightful owner, my brother Isaac. The Merit Parkway is still nice though.
Jesse and I had an eventful drive east to Maine that I am not even going to get into. We made it to the Maine coast for some fishing with my brother Asa and niece Abby. On Saturday I drove up to the Commonground Fair in Unity, Maine with Asa and family and my sister-in-law (Isaac’s wife). I always run into a ton of people from many different contexts of my life there. But, with Luci not around (she is still up in Montreal) I just seem to blend in with the crowd. I did run into an old COA friend, Ed, who I haven’t seen in years which was nice.
Jesse managed to land a contract on the Ice at the last minute and had to do his medical in a rush. He found out that he is leaving on Tuesday sometime last week. So, we’ll both be in Denver and Christchurch at the same time.
Tags: USA
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