This n’That
Jon, the pilot, made it back to NZ thanks to the generosity of a fellow adventurer. A British pilot who was planning on flying over the pole had shipped a fuel cache to the NZ Scott Base. For one reason or another, she was forced to cancel her flight and sold the fuel to Jon. He flew out a few days ago and arrived safely in NZ and has since made it back to Australia.
As the wildlife on the runway becomes more abundant and the land to ice transition becomes softer and full of holes, the days of the Ice Runway become numbered. The big move to Williams Field is scheduled for the 26th. On that day, all the buildings are towed across the ice to a runway built on the more stable ice shelf. There it will stay for the rest of the season.
Christmas is coming up. We have our big Christmas celebration on the 24th. Since most kitchen workers will be working on the two days that everyone else gets off, we get two days off at some other time. I took mine off yesterday and went to Fuels to volunteer. I went out to the runway and got to help fuel the Hercs and used a snow machine to check the fuel line from town to the tanks at the runway fuel pits. It was nice to get a different perspective on runway operations.
The Emperor has become a bit of a fixture on the Ice Road. He is still hanging around and has been getting kind of grumpy. He flaps and squawks when we drive by. What I heard second-hand from a scientist is that they go through a 3 week molting cycle in which they can?t swim and therefore can?t eat either.
Luci was selected to go to Happy Camper School last week. It is a training program primarily for people working in the field but they try to get Galley Folk into it as a way to get out of the kitchen and see some more of the area.
We finally made it to Scott?s hut which is walking distance from town. We have been many times but we never had the key to get in. Due to the cold weather and dry climate the hut and its contents are preserved almost exactly how they were left by Scott?s south pole expedition.
Carissimi Lucy & Luke, anche se è un po di tempo che non vi scriviamo, seguiamo costantemente l’aggiornamento del vostro blog e per questo la nostra invidia sta progressivamente aumentando. Non sappiamo come festeggierete il Natale ma vi auguriamo di passarlo serenamente ed in buona compagnia.
Un grosso abbraccio e ancora Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Ivo & Roby
Luke & Luci-
Just a quick posting to say Happy Holidays from Madison. I wish we had a little of your snow. Alas, no white Christmas here. The snowboarding potential is looking bleak even now, but spirits are high and making up for that. Ba Herman is home in Michigan and says to say hello and “Muli Shani?”, as well. I hope you’re well and still having a blast at McMurdo. Thanks, also, for the continued pics and postings on the blog. It’s been fun to read about your adventures, known there as day to day life…
Peace & Joy-
Merry Xmas to you both and an enjoyable 2004. I love reading your blog.