BootsnAll Travel Network


Sunset in Mac Town.jpg

This sunset lasted from about 7pm to some time around midnight. The sun just kind of skirts the horizon and the Royal Society Range in the distance. Probably one of the last of 2003. Not long until we have 24hrs of sunlight.
The past few days have been pretty brutal. The weather conditions are rated on an inverse tri-scale. 3 being best and 1 being worse. Yesterday afternoon here in town it was condition 2 with sustained 65mph winds. In a condition 2, any travel around the base must be conducted in Pairs or groups. Out at the runway on the sea ice it was condition 1 where only escorted travel by the fire dept. is permitted. It is the equivelant of inter-lodge at Alta, Utah (for those of you familiar with the canyons). By evening it was dropped back to 3, the wind let up slightly and the skys cleared enough to have the beautiful sunset that you can see here.
The planes still haven’t arrived. There are winterovers who have been waiting anxiously for almost a week to depart when the plane brings in the next load of passengers and supplies. They just left for the landing strip as word has arrived that the plane is circling. Amongst them is an italian researcher, Paola, who is working on her PHD in Polar Atmospheric Studies. She took Luci on a tour of the science lab before she launched her last weather balloon of the season. Best of luck to them.
The work week is draging on. I am deffiately getting the gang of the job but, I am ready for a day off. Tonight I am going to take the Saftey Outdoor Lecture which is mandatory for recreational travel outside the base. My day off is thursday which coincides with American-day at the NZ Scott base. (…the plane just landed with the sounds of cheers comming down the hall…) The Kwi base has a staff of only about 60 max. To reduce the potential hordes from teh 1000 strong McM they only open their doors once a week. I found out that they have a ski-hill with a tow rope. When the weather gets warmer and the snow softens up I am definately going to spend more than a few of my days off over there.
I am going to head out and see the plane. till next time.

2 responses to “Sunset”

  1. Jim and Betty says:

    What a sight — that glorious sunset!! Keep the good news coming. Look forward to your messages. Notice your date is Oct 7, ’03 2 pm. Just how many hours difference are we? We are 10:45pm October 6 as I write. Love to you both. J&B

  2. Dad says:

    Great picture of Luci!