BootsnAll Travel Network

Work is done for a year!

October 20, 2008

WE LEAVE IN 10 DAYS!!! ahhhhhhh!!!  🙂  I am done work now. It feels so great to be done work.  I have been busy getting last minute things together.  We have been booking our first few nights in each place.  We booked our hostel for Auckland today.  We have logged so many hours on the internet, its ridiculous. Ryan has 5 more days of work left.

Ryan bought a new camera today and then we bought an 8GB memory card too.  haha.  It will hold 4500 pictures. We also have four 2GB.  That means we can take 14000 pictures on this trip.  LOL.  I wonder if we will take that many in one year??!! Most likely. 🙂

I  am getting so excited.  Words can’t even express it!  I need to do a practice run on packing my bag.  I got to do that soon to see if I need to buy a bigger bag!! lol


2 responses to “Work is done for a year!”

  1. Chad Butler says:

    I am leaving on a RTW trip in 3 months and i super excited. I am trying to look for the best ticket. If you don’t mind were did you get yours?

  2. Lindsay says:

    We used We did a lot of searching and found that they had the best deals. We even added places to their iteneraries and it was still cheap. They are based out of the US so you have to start your flights from the US. Good luck and have fun!!

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