North Island…
We are in the middle of the north island of New Zealand right now, Lake Taupo. Its the largest lake in New Zealand. Its a small little town, easy to walk around in. Its quiz night at the pubs around here so we are going to go check that out I think.
A couple days ago we took a large ferry to the north island from the south island. Its the only way to get there. It was pretty big. 3 decks of cars, 10 decks in all. It was a 3 hour scenic ride.
While we were eating dinner tonight at the hostel, we were watching the news and it said that a couple climbers were trapped on Mount Cook because of a storm. We were only there a few days ago. Crazy! It was beautiful weather when we were there. Got some great pictures too.
We spent a couple days in Wellington, the capital. Its not like the capitals I know, it was quite small. The one day we were there we spent it with our new friend, Lindsay. She is from Toronto. We walked around the town and had lunch by the beach. It was nice to spend time with someone new. The next day Ryan and I hiked up Mount Victoria. Its a small mountain that overlooks the ocean and city. It was warm that day and it was a pretty hard hike. We then walked back down and ate lunch near the beach AND THEN walked across town to the cable car that took us to the botanical gardens. It was a long nice and relaxing day, but a lot of walking. My feet were killing me and I asked Ryan for a foot massage. Did I get one? NO. 😛
Anyways, we are spending a couple days here at Lake Taupo and then heading to Rotarua. There is supposed to be some great hot springs up there.
Ryan said he was going to write a blog about hostel life so look for that.
Talk to you all soon. xo
Tags: Travel
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