BootsnAll Travel Network

Monkey Trouble!

After 6 hours on a hot, busy, old bus, we made it to Lopburi, the city beseiged by monkeys.  There are monkeys everywhere, climbing on the telephone poles, all over the ruins in the middle of the city and running across the street with their arms full of food.  Its quite a sight.

We each took a motorcycle taxi to our hotel, called the Lopburi Inn.  Ryan took one and I was on another behind him.  I lost sight of him for a few minutes and I had a terrible thought that I was going to the black market for my organs to be sold.

Its a nice room with air-con and our own fridge for 700 baht (25 dollars a night!)  We are staying here two nights and then heading south to some islands.  I am very much looking forward to that!

We went and took some pictures of the monkeys at the ruins today and we had no idea what we were in for!  When we got to the ruins, it was 50 baht each to get in and a little baggy of sunflower seeds to feed them.  We had no idea that we could hand feed them or even get close to them.  They are wild monkeys after all.  It was sooo much fun.  It was the highlight of Thailand for sure for us so far.  Their hands look just like ours!  They would take the food right out of your hands so nicely and they would just sit there and eat it in front of you.  The older ones are by far calmer and nicer. The younger ones are crazy though!  They jump on your legs and bounce off you like a trampoline and climb up your hands and try to grab whatever they can.  At first it is quite scary because you are afraid they are going to hurt you.  As soon as we got into the temple where they all hang out, we started feeding them and from behind this little one climbed up my back and sat on my shoulders and stole my sunglasses right off my head!  It scared the crap out of me. I was screaming “Ryan, Ryan, HELP” but all he did was take a picture! haha.  Then the monkey ran up the side of the temple with my glasses and put them on! LOL. Kidding.  We thought they were gone for good.  So we continued to just feed and play with the monkeys.  The little ones get a little feisty and climb all over you. One bite me on the wrist and I thought I would have to go for rabies shots but it didn’t break the skin.  The guy that takes the money at the front saw that we were having trouble with all the monkeys and gave us a stick to keep them away.  Ryan gave the monkeys what they deserved!  Kidding.  But he kept them in line for me.  Without the stick we would have been in real trouble. lol.  We didnt really hit them, we just swung a little at them to keep them off of us.  We were filthy by the end of it but it was way worth it. We are going again tomorrow morning before we get on the bus! 🙂  And right before we were going to leave, we saw the monkey that stole my glasses!  We baited him with some seeds and he dropped the glasses and I grabbed them back!  There are teeth marks all over them now but at least I got them back.  🙂

 We will update the blog again in a few days when we get to the south.  Bye for now.


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