BootsnAll Travel Network

Less than a month now!

October 2, 2008

 We are finally in the month that we are to leave! 28 days to go! 8 days of work left!

We booked our flight to Calgary this week.  We leave from Hamilton to Calgary to see John on October 30, 2008.  Then we are headed from Calgary to Las Vegas for a couple days.  While we are there, the Grand Canyon is only a 4 hour drive away so we are going to spend a day there.  I have been there once about 11 years ago with my family but Ryan has never been.  I keep telling him its going to take his breath away (literally!) He just laughs at me.  He will see! 🙂  After Las Vegas we are going to spend a couple days in LA from November 7 -9.  I am hoping to spot a couple celebrities. 😛  Our flight leaves from LAX on November 9 to Fiji.

 We are having a going away party on October 25 at the Collins so we can say bye to everyone.  I am beginning to miss my friends and family already.  But I keep reminding myself that its only a year and then we will be back.  The time is going to fly by!

 I keep having nightmares about how I am going to pack my backpack! OMG.  I should start now!!


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