BootsnAll Travel Network

Island of Fiji

We left L.A on Sunday night at 1030pm, we arrived in Nadi, Fiji early Tuesday morning after a 10 hour 45 minute  flight.  Where did Monday go?  I don’t know!! 🙂  The flight didnt seem that long, I read my book and had a nap and then it seemed like we were there.  But when we got off the plane it was already Tuesday!  Very odd feeling. I felt so messed up, so tired.  So I went to sleep after we got into our first hostel.  The hostel was ok.  Not great, not bad.  We stayed there 2 nights and then this morning moved to a nicer hostel up the street for the same price.  We met a lot of great people at the first hostel. We drank with them the one night.  There was 2 americans, a british guy and a swedish guy.  The swedish guy cracked me and Ryan up! omg. So funny.  We met some professional Rugby players from Tonga last night.  They are HUGE!  The one looked like he could have ate me for breakfast! lol.

We are planning on going to Mala Mala Island tomorrow on a tour.  We get to go there on a big sail boat, snorkel, have a BBQ lunch and lay on a white sandy beach.  The tours are pretty expensive so we are only doing one day trip.  During the days in Fiji there isnt much to do, so Ryan and I go down to the beach (about a one minute walk) and go in the bath-water warm ocean!  I would say the temperature of the water is about mid 80’s!  Its not the refreshing but it cools you off a bit!

We went into Nadi town today to get some groceries for snacks throughout the day. We got some apples, cookies and crackers! YUM.

We tried to call home with our calling cards today from a pay phone but they dont work for some reason. So we have to wait til we get to New Zealand on Sunday afternoon.  Fiji time is 17 hours ahead of Toronto!  Its so weird thinking we are almost a full day ahead of people back home! 🙂

Thats it for now.  I will write again once we get to New Zealand.  The internet is quite slow but we will try again to put pics up once in New Zealand because we are there for 3 weeks.

Bye for now! xo


One response to “Island of Fiji”

  1. Jenn says:

    Hey guys miss you lots and hope that everythings going okay! , Glad to hear your having fun p.s lindsay love the comment about being eaten for breaky! lol too funny , new zealand should be great , cant wait to hear your next blog ! love u two , take care

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