BootsnAll Travel Network

2 months prior to departure…

lindsay-and-ryan-wedding.jpgPrior to Departure – August 11, 2008

I have always wanted to travel the world, it has been on my mind for the last few years and now the time is right!  I can’t explain how excited I am.  I have saved up enough money, sold my house and am starting to plan our trip.  I am looking into RTW flights right now. I have sent a few emails to various travel agents and they are helping me plan the best route.  Here is a rough itinerary that my boyfriend, Ryan and I are thinking of:

Toronto – Los Angeles – Auckland – Cairns – out of Perth – Bangkok – Cairo – Athens – travel through Europe via train – England – Ireland – Scotland – Toronto.

We are very flexible on these places and do not really want to have a strict schedule.  We are also planning on getting Working/Holiday visas for Australia because most of our time is going to be there.  Ryan is an electrician and he hopes to do some of that while we are there.  I will do whatever.  I am a law clerk in Canada right now and the last thing I want to do when I am travelling is sit in an office! 🙂  I will do anything, fruit pick, walk dogs, clean hostels….we will see.

Well, that is about it for now.  I will write again in a few weeks…hopefully we will have our Working/holiday visas for Australia by then!

PS – About two weeks ago we bought our backpacks! That was exciting!


2 responses to “2 months prior to departure…”

  1. Tiera says:

    You should check out this hotel chain for Europe, It’s a boutique hostel.

  2. Lindsay says:

    Thanks Tiera. I will!

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