BootsnAll Travel Network

Hostel Life!!

I thought it was time to talk about living in a hostel.  When we first got to Auckland we stayed in a hostel that we had are own privite room and shared a bathroom. That was are way of slowing us into hostel life. It wasnt too bad, the room wasnt the best but ok and at least you can be alone if you wanted. From there it was right into it, a 8 person dorm with a shared bathroom.  We got lucky there because there was only 1 other couple in our room, the other beds weren’t taken.  That hostel was really good nice people and great staff.

Our next hostel in Queenstown was a “Base”. Base hostels are quite the party, it seems like there is always something going on. This is where we met 3 Canadians and 3 English. They were great and we had awesome time. The room was full but it felt like a sleepover every night.LOL.

 First of all there are really really good hostels and really really bad ones.  It takes a little getting used to sleeping with strangers everynight and never being able to be by yourself.  You never know when people are going to be coming in and out of your room, they come in and out every hour of the night and wake you up.

On the most part, people are usally quiet when they leave the room and are packing up, but this morning at 6:40am, four people were leaving our room and were SO loud. And it wasn’t just for 15 minutes, it was for 50 minutes, slamming drawers, ripping sheets off the bed and rustling plastic bags.  It was so ignornant.

 I thought it was bad enough sharing two bathrooms with my family but try sharing it with a whole hostel.


2 responses to “Hostel Life!!”

  1. Janice/mom says:

    Hi Tyan and Lindsay glad your having a good time. Ryan should be used to sharing a bathroom since sometimes it seems like we live in a hostel LOL. Your already gone over a month, I miss you guys. Have fun, be safe, and take care of each other. Love you talk to you soon. MOM

  2. Brandon & Hayley says:

    Hey ryan and lindsay sounds like you are having a really good time! Glad to hear you are doing well. We miss you guys. We were checking out all of you pics on facebook their are some really cool pics. Ryan hayley said that you tried to e-mail me I did not get anything maybe you have the wrong e-mail address
    Anyways look forward to hearing more about your trip take care.

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